R. C. White wrote:
| Hi, Hardeep.
| You probably need to get the drivers for that ATA100 card onto a
| floppy diskette and have it handy when you run WinXP Setup. Setup
| has enough smarts to partition and format the drive and to copy lots
| of files to it. The WinXP CD-ROM has built-in drivers that can handle
| most IDE devices that the mainboard BIOS knows about. But, to boot
| WinXP from an add-on card, Setup needs to integrate that controller
| driver into your copy of WinXP. So, when Setup invites you to press
| F6 to install SCSI or other drivers, press F6 and then wait while all
| those files get copied. Then Setup will halt with instructions
| telling you how to use the floppy to install the drivers.
| RC
| || Dear Sir,
|| While installing Win Xp prof, it says HDD not found , pls
|| suggest ,
|| Also please note that we have an ATA 100 card attached
|| with the HDD.
|| Reply ASAP,
|| Rgds,
The BIOS will have to be set up correctly also. The
above information is correct. A controller card is a
controller card whether it is ATA 33,66,100,133,or