NewsJunkie said:
Thanks Sean, but I gave that a try after seeing your reply and it would
not allow me to change it there. I do have administrator status too.
As you've discovered, Sean's suggested "fix" won't work. The system will
simply not allow you to change your "F:" partition to a "C:" system
partition. There have been some published reports of a registry hack that
will allow one to do this but in our experience they simply don't work.
The only practical solution to your problem is to reinstall, i.e., fresh
install, the XP OS onto your HDD. But this time - during the initial phase
of the setup - delete all your partitions presently residing on your HDD and
then create the necessary partition for your XP OS. The system will then
designate the drive assignment with the C: letter. (I'm assuming in all this
that there's no current data on that HDD that you need since, as I'm sure
you understand, all data will be deleted during the partitioning/formatting
process. In the event there *is* data on that HDD that you need, copy it
before undertaking the fresh install of the OS).
Apparently when you originally installed the XP OS onto your HDD there
currently existed a C: system partition and that accounts why the OS
designated a different drive letter to the OS you installed.