I have WD400bb. On label of this drive is wrote 40.0GB with date
23-sep-2004. There alsaw settings of jumpers, master, slave and cabel
select. There is alsaw, what is strange: IBM warrenty void if removed.
(???) I think, that this drive is from service part from IBM for old
Problem is that, taht BIOS shows 2,5GB capacity. Windows, pqmagic, fdisk
alsaw shows 2,5GB capacity. It doesnt matter whitch program i use, or
there is or not any partition. There is no jumpers setting this. there
is only one jumper, setting drive to slave.
This looks like there are some part of drive is inactive, and a question
is how to active this part, whitch software or what i have to do on
electronic plate, that this drive had 40.0GB
23-sep-2004. There alsaw settings of jumpers, master, slave and cabel
select. There is alsaw, what is strange: IBM warrenty void if removed.
(???) I think, that this drive is from service part from IBM for old
Problem is that, taht BIOS shows 2,5GB capacity. Windows, pqmagic, fdisk
alsaw shows 2,5GB capacity. It doesnt matter whitch program i use, or
there is or not any partition. There is no jumpers setting this. there
is only one jumper, setting drive to slave.
This looks like there are some part of drive is inactive, and a question
is how to active this part, whitch software or what i have to do on
electronic plate, that this drive had 40.0GB