HDD 2.5 160GB wouldn't work - chkdisk ran - FOUND.XXX folders - Want to cry.

Sep 16, 2010
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Hi guys and thanks for reading my post.

The story goes like this..

I plug my external wd scorpio 160gb after some time (had some bangs-plugged it out lots of times without ejecting it..) and it wouldnt work. I couldnt hear or feel the disks inside turning. I plug the usb out then in again, then another port....it started coughing and then i could see my files but was slow as *censored*.

Not being able to do anything neither copy my files i ran chkdisk.......Full scan and repair bad clusters or whatever it says there.

So when chkdisk finishes the disk was healthy running but there were no folders in there while it was almost full!

so i guessed FOUND files!!! And i was right.... 4 of them....

My question is...Because i know my stuff is in there... and the disk now runs again, (I renamed one of the .CHK files inside of one of the FOUND folders to avi just to check and yeaapp...It was one of my californication episodes.)

Can i get my data back?

Is there a way , software or else to rename those chk files back to normal?

Any help is appreciated as always .

Thanks in advance!

Can i get my data back?
some, maybe even most, but not all ... you hit the nail on the head, rename the files. :)

Is there a way, software or else to rename those chk files back to normal?
there are such "programs" available, how reliable they are I have no idea, best to ask Mr Google that one. one I found :thumb:

oh, welcome to PCR :D
Hey thanks for taking the time,

I found that one last night. I am however "afraid" to use it as the results are not reversible. Anyone had a go with the software?

Being my last resort i might as well try it when i finish renaming the ones i believe i know their extensions....
Yes it seems thats my last hope togetherwith renaiming each and every single file by myself.

Thing is....I downloaded both UnCHK and FileCHK andthey have some extensions in their ini files.

I however want to add some more. The way to do that is add them manually by providing the hex value of an extension's header in the inifile or by dropping a file format, Known good file, on the UnCHK.exe and it guesses the best hex value from its header.

Ok....But when i tried some files like .ISO or .NRG and so on...they appear as 0000 values simply because they have no info in their header or no header im not sure and the hex values are in their footers.....

Is there any way i can get hex values of files headers anywhere>? And i mean not the usual file extensions like jpg mp3 and avi but not so usual ones. Like .iso or .mkv and so on....
