Thank you Chris. Everyone will want it becuse Digital HDTV is exploding and so are PVRs. You probably know that Dish is right now selling a dual-receiver HD PVR in the U.S. I want that HD DVR capability and I also want the ability to game on a large screen HDTV (with keyboard and mouse), along with the other media centre stuff, included in the software of my next computer. I'd also like to put the whole thing on a shelf in the living room, along my audio system and the other electronic items. My wife says that this means a black, shelf-friendly case or it's no go. This other "media centre" hardware that everyone in town is building makes me laugh. What is going on??? The computer is a media center! I suppose the idea of a computer in the living room got a bad rapt a few years back because the attempt to do it was premature and because someone said the family wouldn't stand for it. But now its time has come and, with a pair of earphones to shut the noise off from non-users, it will work in any family. Besides, the biggest market for this sort of thing is wealthy singles. Duh! Anyway, back then when it failed there were no TVs that could handle it. But now that chip-based sets (no burn in) high resolution sets are here, it should be obvious what the future will look like. Everything and all digital with copy protection for copyrighted content. One other thing that's needed is to make everything user friendly, which it most definitely isn't at the moment.
Sorry. That was my rant for today. Thanks again for responding to my query.