Can Someone help.
I have a HD issue with a Dell 4500s....
My HD does not show up on the Bios in the Dell (original HD for th
but when I hook it up as a slave on another Pc it seems fine, & eve
when I put it on as the master it seems fine on the bios. I had t
erase the os on the Dell because i had issues previously. So I wante
to transfer 98 se onto the so called problematic HD. Then I wanted t
upgrade to xp. ( Mind you I only have a XP home upgrade). So wha
should I do (Norton's ghost imaging is out of my budget). My Dell
beleive didn't come with a HD installion disc since it was manufatuo
installed. So that could be a problem..
I have a HD issue with a Dell 4500s....
My HD does not show up on the Bios in the Dell (original HD for th
but when I hook it up as a slave on another Pc it seems fine, & eve
when I put it on as the master it seems fine on the bios. I had t
erase the os on the Dell because i had issues previously. So I wante
to transfer 98 se onto the so called problematic HD. Then I wanted t
upgrade to xp. ( Mind you I only have a XP home upgrade). So wha
should I do (Norton's ghost imaging is out of my budget). My Dell
beleive didn't come with a HD installion disc since it was manufatuo
installed. So that could be a problem..