HD problems... Please PLEASE help

  • Thread starter Thread starter lachef2121
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Can Someone help.

I have a HD issue with a Dell 4500s....
My HD does not show up on the Bios in the Dell (original HD for th
but when I hook it up as a slave on another Pc it seems fine, & eve
when I put it on as the master it seems fine on the bios. I had t
erase the os on the Dell because i had issues previously. So I wante
to transfer 98 se onto the so called problematic HD. Then I wanted t
upgrade to xp. ( Mind you I only have a XP home upgrade). So wha
should I do (Norton's ghost imaging is out of my budget). My Dell
beleive didn't come with a HD installion disc since it was manufatuo
installed. So that could be a problem..
lachef2121 said:
Can Someone help.

I have a HD issue with a Dell 4500s....
My HD does not show up on the Bios in the Dell (original HD for the
but when I hook it up as a slave on another Pc it seems fine, & even
when I put it on as the master it seems fine on the bios. I had to
erase the os on the Dell because i had issues previously. So I wanted
to transfer 98 se onto the so called problematic HD. Then I wanted to
upgrade to xp. ( Mind you I only have a XP home upgrade). So what
should I do (Norton's ghost imaging is out of my budget). My Dell I
beleive didn't come with a HD installion disc since it was manufatuor
installed. So that could be a problem...
I'm not really sure what you're asking. If the hard drive appears in the
BIOS on another machine, then the problem lies with the Dell's
motherboard. Call Dell tech support for replacement of the motherboard.

If you are not going to repair/replace the Dell, you have the working
hard drive from that machine. If you wish to put it into another
computer and install XP on it, you will need to buy a retail copy of
XP. The XP that ran on your Dell was an OEM version tied to the
original machine.
