My data is all backed up so its really an intriguing problem I've got here -
my HD keeps disappearing and giving me can't read disk - disk error etc (win
2k). Obviously the drive has a fault, but everytime it happens I just go to
the boot menu and re-auto the drive info and its back to normal again -
sometimes no errors other times lots of errors (well actually 1 time it had
one big error after the first main big error), but after that its been fine
except that it keeps disappearing "temporarily".
Any clues? Could I actually fix it - its not an OS drive (data only). Does
having lots of directories and subfolders, etc cause more problematic disk
writing and thus cause for corruption, because I'm seriously considering
that that is what is going on because its stabilised somewhat as I've gone
back to 3 folders max depth instead of 6/10ish...
my HD keeps disappearing and giving me can't read disk - disk error etc (win
2k). Obviously the drive has a fault, but everytime it happens I just go to
the boot menu and re-auto the drive info and its back to normal again -
sometimes no errors other times lots of errors (well actually 1 time it had
one big error after the first main big error), but after that its been fine
except that it keeps disappearing "temporarily".
Any clues? Could I actually fix it - its not an OS drive (data only). Does
having lots of directories and subfolders, etc cause more problematic disk
writing and thus cause for corruption, because I'm seriously considering
that that is what is going on because its stabilised somewhat as I've gone
back to 3 folders max depth instead of 6/10ish...