HD Partitions


Dedicated Cruncher
Jan 3, 2006
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Hi All
Working on sister-in-law's used IBM Thinkpad P3, 450MHz, 128MB RAM, 12GB HDD with Windows ME.
It had no security but found trouble downloading a firewall and Anti-virus. The HD has been partitioned by the local shop as follows - C:/ 1.99 GB, 133MB free and D:/ 9.22GB, 9.12GB free. There are only six program files on D with everything else on C. Downloading to Desktop directs everything to C and I get disk full warnings.
Cannot reinstall ME as there is no OS disk. I know there is partitioning software available but assume that ME would be lost. have a Win 98 disk with key as a last resort. BTW she only uses it for shopping online.
Any advice welcome,
Thanks in advance
Why not re-direct the downloads to a folder on D ??
Hi Abarbarian
Downloads seem to go to Desktop and then automatically to C:/ - I don't know how to change that. However I would like to know why a technician would cram all that stuff in a tiny partition created as C:/, approx 2GB and leave the remaining 9GB doing nothing. I can easily install Win 98, as there are no critical files on the HD, and I appreciate that the quality of local professional advice may be variable.
Just curious,
If i was you format all of it and used the windows 98 disc.

Windows Me was just slap stick version of windows 98 se with a few extra.

Bring the drive back to one letter c: drive(Used the windows 98 disc for this)

You can still get virus checker and a firewall for free for windows 98.

But Windows Update does,nt work any more.

Here one for windows 98 virus checker


30 day version

Try download.com

for a firewall for windows 98.
peahouse05 said:
Hi All
Working on sister-in-law's used IBM Thinkpad P3, 450MHz, 128MB RAM, 12GB HDD with Windows ME.
It had no security but found trouble downloading a firewall and Anti-virus. The HD has been partitioned by the local shop as follows - C:/ 1.99 GB, 133MB free and D:/ 9.22GB, 9.12GB free. There are only six program files on D with everything else on C. Downloading to Desktop directs everything to C and I get disk full warnings.
Cannot reinstall ME as there is no OS disk. I know there is partitioning software available but assume that ME would be lost. have a Win 98 disk with key as a last resort. BTW she only uses it for shopping online.
Any advice welcome,
Thanks in advance

When you download a file normally a window will appear giving you the option of running or saving the file.

If you click Save you should then be able to browse to the location where you want to save your file.

And I'd do as Michael says, Win ME was a crock of crap whereas Win98 wasn't too bad at all.
Hi all,
When in doubt download the manual! Got this wrong, the IBM Thinkpad 390X has two hard drives. Have a spare 30GB HD from a Toshiba Satellite - will see if it fits. Checked Win 98 OS disk and key on spare PC - no problem.
More fun to be had with this.