I just found this, in
23 Q: I just purchase a new notebook computer from Dell and I noticed that
there are extra partitions on the hard drive. One is 3GB FAT32 "Unknown
Partition", a 47MB FAT "EISA Configuration" and an NTFS partion. What are
these? The partitions look THIS.
A: Dell began shipping systems in mid-July 2004 with a PC Restore Image
by Symantec on the hard drive, which takes 3 to 6 GB of space. Dell PC
Restore is a compressed copy of all the software on your computer when it is
first sent to you. The copy is placed on a hidden partition on your hard
drive. That's your "Unknown Partition".
To access it: Boot your computer. When the Dell BIOS splash screen
appears press and hold the <Ctrl> key on the keyboard, press the <F11> key,
then release them both at the same time. The Dell PC Restore by Symantec
window appears. Go HERE for full details on it and how to use it.
The ESIA Configuration partition is the Dell Diagnostic programs. You
access them by booting to them. When you see the Dell BIOS splash screen,
hit <F2> multiple times and then choose to boot to the Diagnostics.
The NTFS partition is where your programs and operating system are