HD DVD vs Blue Ray


Feb 23, 2002
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It appears as though Blue Ray has won the high-definition DVD battle, with news that Toshiba may be bailing on the HD-DVD format.

Many large companies and shops are throwing their weight behind the Blue Ray format, which looks like it will be the standard next generation video media.

"We've reached out to a few sources to find out what's going on. Here's what we know, starting with the most recent information gleaned from a source close to the HD DVD camp. Surprisingly, our source tells us that exit plans for HD DVD were already in the works before the Netflix announcement this past week. The loss of Warner Brothers demoralized the HD DVD camp, and when it was clear that deep price cuts weren't going to give HD DVD a second wind, the writing was on the wall. The only question, pre-Netflix announcement, was how to gracefully shutdown while liquidating existing product. Now that retailers and rental joints have turned their back publicly on the format, there's nothing graceful about the shutdown plans. There's little face to save on the consumer side."

Read more at Ars Technica.


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And some 'well known' pc makers are stocking their pc's with HD-DVD drives.
Does this mean they are now of no use as they will not play BlueRay?
I have realised, with a sinking feeling of despair, that Blu Ray is largely the province of Sony.

Blu Ray may be a better tag than HD-DVD but I loathe Sony, despicable company.

HD-DVD was mostly Toshiba's baby, a damn shame.....

I also recently realised that NEC optical drives are actually Sony's in disguise, which means I own a couple of Sony products.

The horror, the horror.......
Just been looking at a mag that came with an 2007 issue of T3.
They herald HD-DVD & Toshiba as the winner in the race over Blu-Ray!
floppybootstomp said:
I also recently realised that NEC optical drives are actually Sony's in disguise, which means I own a couple of Sony products.

The horror, the horror.......

Technically yes but don't despair most of Sonys drives if I recall are made in the Lit-eon factories .

A well known pc maker was hearalding the HD-DVD was the winner in the race.
Now it seems they have changed sides and are installing blu-ray.
A week in IT can be a long time!!

Just feel a tad sorry for all those who have HD drives in their pc.
Seems they are useless & can not be exchanged for blu-ray!!!