traderv said:
I need to recover a deleted partion, but don't have complete data on format
for FAT32, particularly the location(s) of partion tables for extended
FAT32 and the locations for partition tables are different issues. Partition
table layouts are pretty much indepent of file systems. It is true that an
entry in the partition table that points to a FAT32 partition will record
that in it's file system descriptor byte, but this byte is easily changed to
describe any other file system.
A good starting point for reading on partition tables is
Also, need specifics on locations of FAT Tables.
In the case of FAT32 FAT locations aren't fixed (although upto 98 it seems
they start at sector offset 32 (relative to boot sector)). You need to
determine the FAT locations by using the value for reserved sectors in the
boot sector (to find 1st FAT) + the size in sectors per FAT (to find 2nd
Contrary to NTFS, MS has documented FAT32 on it'w website.