HD Cache

Aug 2, 2007
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Hi Everyone:

I noticed that the 8mb cache no longer shows when designating the partition... does it still exist or have I screwed the pooch??? Just wondering...
And If I did mess something up is it Fixable?:confused:

Thank You StarChild.exe

Peace ~N~ Goddwill
I don't know how you could get rid of the HD Cache - you'd certainly notice it performance wise if it was gone ;) I'd just ignore it :thumb:

On the other hand, I've never seen the HD cache mentioned in any partition screen. Did you have a small partition on the system which was to be used for diagnostics/restore? Dell systems sometimes have this, and I assume others will too.
no bro I mean when I was Installing the OS it showed up as 8MBs of Free space directly under the 98365MBs of free space to write the OS to...

Peace ~N~ Goodwill StarChild.exe