It was a bit rash of me, possibly, but I corrected a wrongly-fitting
keyboard in my laptop without looking up any info about anti-static
measures. While the bonnet was up, so to speak, I had a look to see
how easy it would have been to fit my own RAM, having just paid for
that job. apart from my CD drive recently dying - almost certainly
mechanical as I tried all that DMA stuff - the computer usually works
fine, but sometimes the keyboard goes a bit haywire, as if someone is
pressing the Home key while I'm typing. Is this related ot my static
blunder? What can be done to correct this? What should I have done
as an anti-static measure?
I have considered that this keyboard problerm is a virus, but it seems
a very petty symptom, even going by virus-writers' mentality. Thanks
for any feedback. you may ignore the question below, but it is one I
have posted elsewhere about a different problem.
"I have had my laptop 3 years without having any second user account
on it. I don't know if there is a connection, but since adding a 2nd
i.d. I get a box sometimes - but not always - saying something like
'Winio failed to load. Please reinstall' I see I have some files in
my o/s called winio but also there is something downloadable on the
internet of this name. What is happening? The only other thing
different on my computer is some mobile phone software called
Wellphone, which enables me ot type SMS from my laptop, sending it
through the phone, and to save SIM information. The drivers for my
phone and its other software are installed. But I had Wellphone
installed for a week before getting this winio box, and before setting
up the 2nd user account.
Thanks in advance for any feedback."
keyboard in my laptop without looking up any info about anti-static
measures. While the bonnet was up, so to speak, I had a look to see
how easy it would have been to fit my own RAM, having just paid for
that job. apart from my CD drive recently dying - almost certainly
mechanical as I tried all that DMA stuff - the computer usually works
fine, but sometimes the keyboard goes a bit haywire, as if someone is
pressing the Home key while I'm typing. Is this related ot my static
blunder? What can be done to correct this? What should I have done
as an anti-static measure?
I have considered that this keyboard problerm is a virus, but it seems
a very petty symptom, even going by virus-writers' mentality. Thanks
for any feedback. you may ignore the question below, but it is one I
have posted elsewhere about a different problem.
"I have had my laptop 3 years without having any second user account
on it. I don't know if there is a connection, but since adding a 2nd
i.d. I get a box sometimes - but not always - saying something like
'Winio failed to load. Please reinstall' I see I have some files in
my o/s called winio but also there is something downloadable on the
internet of this name. What is happening? The only other thing
different on my computer is some mobile phone software called
Wellphone, which enables me ot type SMS from my laptop, sending it
through the phone, and to save SIM information. The drivers for my
phone and its other software are installed. But I had Wellphone
installed for a week before getting this winio box, and before setting
up the 2nd user account.
Thanks in advance for any feedback."