Having trouble setting up the first database in Business Contact M

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When the wizard starts when Outlook opens, it offers the option to set up a
database with this Profile but then gives me the error message "Database
creation has failed."

When I try to add a new database through the Outlook Data Files option, I
get the same error message, then the additional error message "ServiceEntry:
User Cancelled." But I couldn't have cancelled before I even got started.

I added the Administrator as a name in Local Users and Groups. The only
thing I can think of is that I store the Outlook .pst files in a specific
folder (called Outlook Archives), not the default folder where Outlook
typically stores its .pst files. Maybe that might have some effect.

I would be very grateful for any kind of help because I have not yet been
able to use BCM.
I contacted Microsoft support with the same issue and the first question was
“do you have an apostrophe in your user name� I have an apostrophe in the
machine name, which carried over into the user profile. Unfortunately,
removing the apostrophe from the current profile did not resolve the problem,
so we had to create a new profile and move all of my documents, the pst file,
favorites, etc. BCM seems to work fine now.