Having trouble positioning autoshapes



When I draw an arrow (or anything else) in FP 2003's Design view, the shape
does not fall in the intended spot relative to the text in Preview. I have
to offset everything by ~ 1 inch on the screen. How can I get these graphics
to position as drawn in Design?


FrontPage drawing objects use VML graphics (visible only in IE5.5[1] and
later on PCs running Windows) and Absolute Positioning.

The FrontPage design view is not a proper browser. For example, it adds
guide lines (which take up space) to delineate tables, hence the layout in
Design view is rarely pixel perfect.

The (absolutely positioned) arrows do not move in preview, the text does.
To prevent this movement, the text will also have to be locked in place
(absolute positioning and/or fixed width tables, not centred), and the font
size locked (which is impossible).

Also, try previewing in Browser, and changing the size of the browser
window. That will probably show even more problems with the text/arrows.

You could try placing the arrows in relatively positioned <divs>. This may,
or may not, be a solution. The bad effects this may have on other browsers
is not relevant since VML only works in IE.

[1] Only 75% of users are using Internet Explorer.
This statistic may not apply to *your* audience.

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