Please Tell me what's wrong?!
I have two tables: tblColorOrders AND a
I have two corresponding forms: frmColorOrders ANd
The second being a subform of the first.
ColorOrders has:
ID field, and a Qty Field
ColorOrderDetails connects to ColorOrders via the ID
field. ColorOrderDetails also has a Qty Field.
I've been trying to run a check that would compare the
sum of all the corresponding QTY's of ColorOrderDetails
to that of ColorOrders.
frmCO. RED Shirts 10000 pcs Japan
frmCODetails: 500 pcs Large
500 pcs Medium
200 pcs Small
I'm just trying to double check that the details of the
order match the general overview. I have been asked
to "force" the user to stay on the form until the
quantities match or the Sum = 0 .
So I wrote the following to run on the "On Exit" event of
frmColorOrderDetails. (It's a little simplified for
testing purposes... )
Private Sub frmColorOrderDetails_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
Dim db As Database
Dim rec As Recordset
Dim strQry As String
Dim strMsg As String
Dim tempQty As Integer
strQry = "Select Sum(tblColorOrderDetails.Qty) AS
[Qty] From tblColorOrderDetails " _
& " Where tblColorOrderDetails.LinkID = " &
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rec = db.OpenRecordset(strQry)
If (rec!Qty = 0) Then
If MsgBox("Uh Oh", vbOKCancel, "UH OH") = vbOK
Debug.Print "It's a 0"
End If
ElseIf rec!Qty <> Me!Qty Then
If MsgBox("CHANGE IT NOW", vbOKOnly, "CHANGE") =
vbOK Then
End If
Debug.Print "Do Nothing"
End If
End Sub
The problem is that if the Qty in the subform is anything
but '0', the "CHANGE IT NOW" msg box pops up! In Other
words ... trying to compare rec!Qty with MPO!Qty doesn't
work. WHY?!
I'd appreciate ANY HELP!
I have two tables: tblColorOrders AND a
I have two corresponding forms: frmColorOrders ANd
The second being a subform of the first.
ColorOrders has:
ID field, and a Qty Field
ColorOrderDetails connects to ColorOrders via the ID
field. ColorOrderDetails also has a Qty Field.
I've been trying to run a check that would compare the
sum of all the corresponding QTY's of ColorOrderDetails
to that of ColorOrders.
frmCO. RED Shirts 10000 pcs Japan
frmCODetails: 500 pcs Large
500 pcs Medium
200 pcs Small
I'm just trying to double check that the details of the
order match the general overview. I have been asked
to "force" the user to stay on the form until the
quantities match or the Sum = 0 .
So I wrote the following to run on the "On Exit" event of
frmColorOrderDetails. (It's a little simplified for
testing purposes... )
Private Sub frmColorOrderDetails_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
Dim db As Database
Dim rec As Recordset
Dim strQry As String
Dim strMsg As String
Dim tempQty As Integer
strQry = "Select Sum(tblColorOrderDetails.Qty) AS
[Qty] From tblColorOrderDetails " _
& " Where tblColorOrderDetails.LinkID = " &
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rec = db.OpenRecordset(strQry)
If (rec!Qty = 0) Then
If MsgBox("Uh Oh", vbOKCancel, "UH OH") = vbOK
Debug.Print "It's a 0"
End If
ElseIf rec!Qty <> Me!Qty Then
If MsgBox("CHANGE IT NOW", vbOKOnly, "CHANGE") =
vbOK Then
End If
Debug.Print "Do Nothing"
End If
End Sub
The problem is that if the Qty in the subform is anything
but '0', the "CHANGE IT NOW" msg box pops up! In Other
words ... trying to compare rec!Qty with MPO!Qty doesn't
work. WHY?!
I'd appreciate ANY HELP!