I have a Mustek digital camera that I'm trying to use with
Windows 2000 Professional. I can't get my pictures to
transfer from the camera to the computer. I've talked to
Mustek support and she says I'm missing a driver for mass
storage that's supposed to be supplied by Microsoft. Could
this be true? I'm not very good on the computer, so it's
hard for me to troubleshoot. For some reason, the computer
isn't reading the camera. Would someone please help me?
Please be very basic in your responses. Thank you very
much. I've tried downloading a driver from Mustek, but the
technician said that Microsoft would automatically detect
it. She said when I go to My computer and double click, a
removable disc or media should pop up.Thanks in advance
for your help.
Windows 2000 Professional. I can't get my pictures to
transfer from the camera to the computer. I've talked to
Mustek support and she says I'm missing a driver for mass
storage that's supposed to be supplied by Microsoft. Could
this be true? I'm not very good on the computer, so it's
hard for me to troubleshoot. For some reason, the computer
isn't reading the camera. Would someone please help me?
Please be very basic in your responses. Thank you very
much. I've tried downloading a driver from Mustek, but the
technician said that Microsoft would automatically detect
it. She said when I go to My computer and double click, a
removable disc or media should pop up.Thanks in advance
for your help.