having bulletpoints dissappear??

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Hi all, this might sound very basic. but here's my
question. I want to start with a summary slide with 3
bulletpoints. Then I want to say..."I will start
discussing the first bulletpoint" and with that sentence I
want to have the second and third bulletpoint on that
slide to become dark on a mouseclick.
So how do I do that?
All help appreciated

The easiest way to accomplish this is to go to slide sorter view, select
your Summary Slide, press CTRL-D three times to make copies. Go to the next
slide and delete the text for items 2 & 3. On the next slide delete items 1
& 3 (remember to leave the empty hard return there). Delete items 2 & 3 on
the last slide. The audience won't know the difference. If you have slide
numbers visible on your slide, put a text box with the number of the last
"real" slide over the location of the slide number to hide the new three

Of course if you have the newer version (PPT XP or 2003), you can accomplish
this on the same slide. In the newer version you can animate individual
bulleted points of the same text box differently, have them appear, then
disappera, etc., as many times as you want. You would need to select one of
the lines and have it hide, select another line and have it also hide but
set the animation to "Animate with previous" so they hide together.

Holler back if neither of these options make sense!

Bill Foley
Thanks for the comments. However do I understand that when
I print handouts my audience will get 3 slides with the
same bulletpoints listed out??
The second part about the powerpointXP made much more
sense to me (unfortunately working with PP2000). I thought
this feature was available for PP2000? I could swear that
I've used/done this about a year ago at my other company
where they also had PP2000???

If I have a presentation that is 50 slides and I add 3 more slides to get
this effect, I print out the first 50 slides and give it to my students. No
problem. I guess you could also duplicate the text boxes on top of each
other with a fill color the same as the background. That way you have three
objects that animate on top of each other. There are always ways to skin
that Powerpoint cat! <G>

Bill Foley
If I print handouts I cannot deselect some slides, this
means I have to prepare another document without the
slides to print them for the handouts. Not much extra
work, but so laborious!
I cannot get out of my head that there was an easier way,
but it might be that I was working with PP XP (although it
seems very unlikely).
Anyway thank you for your input
For your handouts, send the presentation to Word (File-->Send to... Word)
and then you can edit at your hearts content.

For a solution from within the PPT file: Put your extra slides at the end of
your presentation. Then, when you print, use the range of slides option and
print only the slides you want.

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft PPT MVP
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Kathy is a trainer, writer, Girl Scout, and whatever else there is time for
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if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived
Or hide those slides and choose not to print hidden slides when you do
your handouts (File/Print in PPT). After printing, simply select all
slides in slide sorter view and unhide them.