Having a problem

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The first time I saved my WMM project and put on DVD, just to check it out to
see how it turned out, using Nero Vision Express V.3, had no problems.
But redid some things and deleted my temp file and resaved it and for some
reason it is now going almost thru the whole file, but when it gets close to
end, getting a message that says burn failed.
I didn't right now step by step what I did the first time but feel sure I am
doing it the same way.
This time around too, for some reason, all my pictures.
I actually deleted and resaved last night, worked on that off and on all day
yesterday and finally after last resave shut down computer, so until I get
home from work, can't see how this last save did.
My project is an hour and 47 minutes and will fit on one DVD.
I was told by a computer tech i know here at home that my .avi file had to
be converted to NTSC file (think) that is lettering, and of course when you
go into Nero, you have that option.
Can someone help me with these two issues.
Becca, I am no computer expect--just someone who had an old computer and
learned a lot as I strove to convert home video footage to DVD. Anyway, the
NTSC thing simply is the format used here in the US and some other places. If
you had video taken on a European camera, it would be in PAL format. So, if
you shot your video with an American camera, you should not need to "convert"
it. If you have an old computer, like I did, it was in FAT or FAT 32 format
and when I tried to save a digital file, the size became an issue. The old
system can't hold LARGE files. So, I reformatted it to NTFS which is the new
system modern computers use. If you had an old computer, then yes, you might
need to convert to NTFS to allow the large chunk needed for your digital
file. Hope this is of some help.