Have you?

I don't think so.

No I know I haven't.

You havent' found a video have you?:o
I appeared on the Paul Daniels Magic Show many years ago and got pulled out the audience to assist in a card trick:o

You know that its not really magic don't you?:p
No, never been on a TV show but have appeared on TV, newspapers, radio. I even come up on Google, but that's another story all together!!!!!

Did go to the BBC studios in Manchester once to support a friend who was in a game show and the episode took forever to record - loads of re-takes. Quite enlightening though.

Gabs xx
Hopefully not......please tell me you haven't found anytihng.....!!??
LOL, well I know I haven't (It was my evil twin... I swear) But I do know that John was supposed to be in one of those human interest doco's where they were going to interview him about how he'd done his house up (Took a standard corpy house & did it all up in Tudor style including a circular driveway & a fishpond... I've seen the size of the section it was built on... It was TINY!!! I couldn't believe he'd managed to fit it all in there. Apparently everyone thought he had the biggest house on the block, but it was the same size as the rest, it was all optical illusion he said. It made the national news anyhow & when the film crew were there & the prime minister (Jenny Shipley) was going to come in & shake his hand in one of those political 'friend of the people' type publicity stunts, & the news crew all told him how he was to stand here & thank her like this & say what a wonderful job he thought she was doing running the country etc & he just said "No. I won't. I don't think she's doing a wonderful job at all & I aren't going to lie about it." So for some reason the news crew decided to skip that part of the show & John missed his chance of international stardom.
Not quite, but almost....

I play poker quite a bit. On Sky there is a Pokerzone channel (226). Anyway, they were filming a new show called Heads up with Richard Herring which my wife and I got tickets for. This was on Oct 15, my birthday. The idea of the day was to go watch this being filmed then off to the Lanesborough Hotel for some lah dee dah tea.

Anyway, I went to the filming of the sixth episode I believe it was. The one with Fiona Bruce, Dave Colclough and Oliver Chris

A funny thing happened before hand though.. We had arrived a little early and asked a security guard where the show was being filmed. He pointed us towards a blocked off escalator. Up we went and was greeted by a nice young lady asking if we were here for the poker show. We said yes. We were then introduced to the Production Manager, very nice and civilised I thought. Again, we were asked if we were here for the poker show. Again we said yes.. Next thing we knew, we were walking past Nick in his room getting his makeup put on and were introduced to Fiona Foster and Oliver Chris in the Green Room! Good effort we thought, this is a very nice touch! We sit down, my missus helps herself to a drink and I start chewing the fat with Fiona!! Had a chat with Oliver and was about to help myself to a complimentary Budweiser when the production manager comes back in and says,
"Excuse me, are you in the audience?"
"I'm really sorry, but there's been a terrible mistake, I thought you were one of the guests!"
Now, as Fiona and Chris were already there and only Dave was missing I can only presume I was mistaken for him!! God knows how!
The production manager then proceeded to usher us out, pretty smartish. I didn't even get my bud..

If you see it you might be able to spot me, I'm the one with the rainbow striped shirt and the neckbrace!

Sexy Bex said:
Dare I ask... hunting what? :confused:

When i took my hunters Education, i score a perfect %100 on my final. And every Person who got a perfect score was thrown in a hat, and 5 names were drawn for a hunting trip to a private ranch. I was one of them:cool: .
I was a day hunt for Cow Elk, at a place called Vermjeos Ranch owned by Ted Turner. Its a Really Beutiful Place!! (i dont have any picture :( ).
Appeared on a quiz show?

Nope, but I once met a famous person.

Well, he told me he was famous, anyway.
ukJAG said:
Not quite, but almost....

I play poker quite a bit. On Sky there is a Pokerzone channel (226). Anyway, they were filming a new show called Heads up with Richard Herring which my wife and I got tickets for. This was on Oct 15, my birthday. The idea of the day was to go watch this being filmed then off to the Lanesborough Hotel for some lah dee dah tea.

Anyway, I went to the filming of the sixth episode I believe it was. The one with Fiona Bruce, Dave Colclough and Oliver Chris

A funny thing happened before hand though.. We had arrived a little early and asked a security guard where the show was being filmed. He pointed us towards a blocked off escalator. Up we went and was greeted by a nice young lady asking if we were here for the poker show. We said yes. We were then introduced to the Production Manager, very nice and civilised I thought. Again, we were asked if we were here for the poker show. Again we said yes.. Next thing we knew, we were walking past Nick in his room getting his makeup put on and were introduced to Fiona Foster and Oliver Chris in the Green Room! Good effort we thought, this is a very nice touch! We sit down, my missus helps herself to a drink and I start chewing the fat with Fiona!! Had a chat with Oliver and was about to help myself to a complimentary Budweiser when the production manager comes back in and says,
"Excuse me, are you in the audience?"
"I'm really sorry, but there's been a terrible mistake, I thought you were one of the guests!"
Now, as Fiona and Chris were already there and only Dave was missing I can only presume I was mistaken for him!! God knows how!
The production manager then proceeded to usher us out, pretty smartish. I didn't even get my bud..

If you see it you might be able to spot me, I'm the one with the rainbow striped shirt and the neckbrace!


Mistaken identity Whoops:D