Have you got 5.1 yet?


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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The Android 5.1 Lollipop update has been rolling out beyond those early-release Android One devices for a few weeks now. Got mine last night on my Nexus 5.

So, some of, what's in it?

Better WiFi and Bluetooth controls
with Android 5.1, you can now choose a wireless network or Bluetooth profile right from within the drop-down panel. All you have to do is tap an arrow to expand the listing.

Better Sound profiles
Android 5.1 now lets you set your phone to silent ... or the "None" setting ... until your next alarm, so you don’t have to worry about missing a meeting the next morning. The only caveat is that the alarm has to be set for no more than 12 hours ahead of time, otherwise Lollipop won’t offer the option.

Better device protection
Android 5.1 has a few new device protection features. The most powerful of the bunch prevents a thief from factory-resetting the phone without the password for the Google profile used previously on the device.

Note that this feature is available only on the Nexus 6, Nexus 9, and new Android 5.1 devices. :(

Notifications can be flicked away
at last!

Better, more intelligent, Wi-Fi connections
if your device connects to a Wi-Fi network with poor or no Internet access, it'll remember that and forget that connect instead of trying to re-connect.

What is your favorite? :)
I'm still on 4.4 on my Sony Z2 - although it looks like 5.0.1 is being rolled out at the moment. I imagine the update to 5.1 will be much faster.

What do you think of 5.1 so far? My brother-in-law updated his Samsung a few weeks ago, but didn't like it initially as it slowed things down a lot, although a hard reset seems to have fixed that.
I like it, to me it's a few good 'bug fixes' not sure if battery life and such have been improved since last time. :)
Lolipop has been delayed for the OnePlus One, much to my annoyance! lol.

Should be very soon though, will have to decide if I want to stick to CM12S or try OxygenOS...

Notifications can be flicked away
This has always been a thing? Drop down the notif shade, swipe away any notifications you don't want to look at.

I had to update my dads Moto G the other day, I do like stock Android. :)

The OH's S4 got it a couple of days ago, Samsung have ruined it. Looks like a childs toy...
Hmmm, I have a few that stay there on purpose, like telling me my watch is connected etc, but everything else emails, Whatsapp's, texts weather etc can be swiped away....

I'm hoping Oneplus pull their finger out soon and I can get a stable version of CM12S, dont fancy faffing with the nightly builds...
I got CM12S last week, been waiting for ages then two updates in a week! lol.

Liking it very much, Its only 5.0.2 at the mo, 5.1 is on the cards though. I like stock Android.

Lolipop on Samsung devices looks hideous..... :eek:
I just upgraded to 5.0.2 a few days ago on my Sony Z2 - I like it way more than I thought :). The battery seems to last longer too, not quite sure why though... but I'm going from ~40% by the time I go to bed, to ~50%. Can't complain!