Have you ever donated time to one of these projects?

Have you ever donated time for one of these projects

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I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
Have you, or do you, participate in any of these programs? If so ... why? Can you think of any reason why you should not?

OK, don't click away, read on ...

So how can you help? We are always on the look out for volunteer crunchers. You can join the team by firstly downloading the software (it is available for both Windows and Linux). Having done that, the next step is to register yourself on their website and join "The PCReview Crew II" Couldn't be more simple!

If you don't wish to crunch, there are still things you can do to help. We have established a new initiative, where people can donate unwanted computer components to the team: Adopt-a-Rig. These components will be used to build more PCs, solely dedicated to crunching for the team. If you are interested in helping this very worthy cause, read more on this thread or contact Muckshifter

OK, yes, I admit it, I am blaintly plugging for you to join our team, but I leave it up to you. If you are a member of another forum, and you don't have a 'team', then why not start one ... it's as simply as pressing a few buttons. ;)

I hope if nothing else, I have at least made you aware of the help one can do, even when playing a game.:D

You may vote for one or more project

mucks :cool:
Started with Folding At Home, Then UD/Grid, Find-A-Drug (the best) then came up against a brick wall with Folding At Home.

Currently doing nothing.
I used to do something called "Mersenne Primes" which was something to do with increasingly large prime numbers *yawn*, but that was before I came across the medical based stuff with you guys (and ladies).

I never did understand that Mersenne project, but I did get a free application for running services so I guess it wasn't a total waste of time!
Will also convey to my friends the importance of crunching for the good of humanity ...and hopefully get some to join also..
I hope your friends do too ...

Rush said:
Have done SETI...But yours is better ...signing up
You just made my day ... thank you.

floppybootstomp said:
Started with Folding At Home, Then UD/Grid, Find-A-Drug (the best) then came up against a brick wall with Folding At Home.

Currently doing nothing.

Flops, perhaps you can start WCG over here instead of those horrible sneaky peeps over at BBT...;)

Only joking BBT!:p
Rush said:
Will also convey to my friends the importance of crunching for the good of humanity ...and hopefully get some to join also..

Well done Rush, it will be good to have you onboard:thumb:
Am crunching for the cause guys and dolls.. New member Rush..just joined the team
Rush said:
Am crunching for the cause guys and dolls.. New member Rush..just joined the team
err, are you Paul Stevenson? ... Rush.

No matter, you can use any name you like ... ;)
Yes, I have been involved in many charity/community events over the years and still am - giving time and practical stuff. Some of it paid but most of it not.

Gabs xx
Checked all the choices except none of them :p Besides those mentioned I ran seti & Einsetein@home briefely. I must be a DC junkie. :D Running dimes & WCG right now.
I started on FaD, then (e-mail address removed) and finally WCG. :D
Part of SETI project long time ago, still listed on that project but no longer crunching. Later joined the PC Review Team crunching for Find-a-Drug. At the moment my computer is still giving me those odd BSOD screens and trying my best to make it go away, once this problem is solved will be on the PC Review team again.