Tony Epton
Using Access 2000, outlook express 6
Attempting to automate email for those people who have requested book
scans and scan is older than one month - email asks them to reconfirm
their request
The code below is intended to send multiple emails from highlighted
list box items.
The msgbox in the code successfully displays each attempt - but only
the very first attempt gets emailed, none following and no error
I have to shut down access and restart the program before another
email will go out.
I have turned of "Warn me when other applications attempt to send
email as me" in outlook express
For Each varItm In lst.ItemsSelected
lngRequestId = lst.ItemData(varItm)
RetrieveTemplate Me.cmbEmailTemplate
Set rs = CurrentDb().OpenRecordset("BookRequests")
rs.FindFirst "RequestId = " & lngRequestId
If rs.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Cannot find book request - cancelled"
strTemplateHeading = Me.TemplateHeading
strTemplateBody = Me.TemplateBody
strTemplateHeading =
EmailSubstitution(strTemplateHeading, rs)
strTemplateBody = EmailSubstitution(strTemplateBody, rs)
strEmailTo = rs!EmailAddress
strEmailToCC = "(e-mail address removed)"
Me.TemplateHeading = strTemplateHeading
Me.TemplateBody = strTemplateBody
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , strEmailTo,
strEmailToCC, , strTemplateHeading, strTemplateBody, False
MsgBox rs!emailaddress
End If
Set rs = Nothing
Next varItm
Any help greatly appreciated
Tony Epton
Attempting to automate email for those people who have requested book
scans and scan is older than one month - email asks them to reconfirm
their request
The code below is intended to send multiple emails from highlighted
list box items.
The msgbox in the code successfully displays each attempt - but only
the very first attempt gets emailed, none following and no error
I have to shut down access and restart the program before another
email will go out.
I have turned of "Warn me when other applications attempt to send
email as me" in outlook express
For Each varItm In lst.ItemsSelected
lngRequestId = lst.ItemData(varItm)
RetrieveTemplate Me.cmbEmailTemplate
Set rs = CurrentDb().OpenRecordset("BookRequests")
rs.FindFirst "RequestId = " & lngRequestId
If rs.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Cannot find book request - cancelled"
strTemplateHeading = Me.TemplateHeading
strTemplateBody = Me.TemplateBody
strTemplateHeading =
EmailSubstitution(strTemplateHeading, rs)
strTemplateBody = EmailSubstitution(strTemplateBody, rs)
strEmailTo = rs!EmailAddress
strEmailToCC = "(e-mail address removed)"
Me.TemplateHeading = strTemplateHeading
Me.TemplateBody = strTemplateBody
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , strEmailTo,
strEmailToCC, , strTemplateHeading, strTemplateBody, False
MsgBox rs!emailaddress
End If
Set rs = Nothing
Next varItm
Any help greatly appreciated
Tony Epton