Have only one user control do postback and parent page does not

  • Thread starter Thread starter moondaddy
  • Start date Start date


I'm building a page in vb.net with several user controls on it. I'm using
user controls instead of a frames page since I've seen this recommended many
times in this user group. I want just one of the user controls to do a
postback but not the rest of the page. Is this possible? it seems like it
should be. If it is, please explain how I can do it.

This should be accomplished using anabling smartNavigatio at either
application level (in Web.Config file) or at page level (in Page directive)
Thanks Stefano,

Although SmartNavigation offers a lot of benefit, its not a fix-all all the
time and its still very different from having only the content of a user
control doing the postback while the rest of the page stays put. I'm still
looking for a way to have a user control postback while preventing the
parent page from posting back.

stefano mostarda said:
This should be accomplished using anabling smartNavigatio at either
application level (in Web.Config file) or at page level (in Page directive)
Hi moondaddy,

I'm reviewing the messages and find that this one is similiar with another
"Subject:How to send parameter to user control postback"
Please feel free to post in that thread if you have any questions or need
any assistance. I'll be willing to help you. Thanks.


Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

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Actually Steven, the reply in the thread you mention below helped me get
past that challenge with brought me to the next challenge which is this one
which is " Have only one user control do postback and parent page does not"
which is very different from the parameter question. I'm still searching
the universe for a clear answer on this one. I've gotten lots of answers
telling me how to make it look like just the user control is doing a
postback, but in reality, the whole page is posting back. I know there's
lots you can do with caching and I'm trying to learn about the many
different ways to cache a page or part of the page, but I haven't found
anything that clearly shows how to force only the contents of the user
control to postback while the remaining content of the parent page does no
postback. It would be great if you could help me on this task.

Hi moondaddy,

Thanks for your followup. I've posted the reply in another thread of yours
subjected "Are Frame pages really taboo in ASP.NET". In fact, the two
problems can be conclued into the same. Since in the frame based pages, for
example a page contains a iframe. Then, the iframe's page is totally a
different page from its parent(container) page, so when the iframe 's page
is posted back, it won't affect its parent page. However, as for the
UserControl, it is a part of the parent page, what's why we can't prevent
the parent page being posted back when the sub page is posted back. So I
still recommend that you use the iframe if you do want to prevent the
container page from being posted back. Do you think so?
If you still feel anything unclear on this issue, please feel free to let
me know.


Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

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How about the iFrame's compatibility with other browsers like older Netscape
Hi moondaddy,

Thanks for the followup. As for the capatibility of iFrame tag with
different browsers, base on my research, the most latest version of other
browsers all support the Iframe element. But since it is a relatively new
tag, some older browser may not support it, for example the Netscape4 and
its lower version. And here is a web link to a articel which discussing on
this topic:

#[thelist] iFrame Browser Compatibility

In addtion, here is some other tech refereces on iframe:
#Description of Frames in W3C

#TAG: iframe

Hope they're helpful.


Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

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