Crap found out that I didn't install heatsink also... But then...
nothing in my mobo seem to work so does that mean my mobo shut off
completely to save the cpu?
Most motherboards cannot shut off fast enough to save a CPU
from a cold turn-on without a heatsink. Even a P4 with it's
own internal shutdown, is likely to be damaged from repeated
heatsinkless turn-on from a cold state. The shutdown
mechanisms depend on a little bit of time for the sensor
circuit to detect the heat change, with the heat spreading
to it, while the damage will occur from the immediate spot
causing the (most) heat instead.
At this point you might still try the parts with a heatsink
on, but if you had never gotten it to work, next would be
trying a different CPU.
If it runs for more than a low number of seconds, damage is
possible, moving towards likely the longer it's on or the
more times you tried to run it. With a heatsink properly
installed, just no fan or the fan isn't plugged in, the
system should be able to run for a few minutes from a
cold-off state, or at least a few dozen seconds from a
prior, hotter state, until the overtemp protection circuitry
present in any semi-modern system had turned it off.
The motherboard is probably fine.