I bought this http://www.microdirect.co.uk/(24528)Asus-Notebook-F3SVAP075G-Intel-Core-2-Duo.aspx
now it says tv tuner built in etc...... but it as no tv antenna on it or sata port I was lead to believe that I could watch tv on it , but I dont see any programme on it to do that. I have emailed ASUS but had no reply from them. And trying to get through to microdirect is almost impossible. Help needed please
now it says tv tuner built in etc...... but it as no tv antenna on it or sata port I was lead to believe that I could watch tv on it , but I dont see any programme on it to do that. I have emailed ASUS but had no reply from them. And trying to get through to microdirect is almost impossible. Help needed please