have a variable reference to an event

  • Thread starter Thread starter Perecli Manole
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Perecli Manole

I am using "AddHandler Event, AddressOf Method" to register events but how
do I go about making the Event parameter be a variable. My user interface
shows a list of available events for a class, through remoting in a drop
down. The user selects an event from a list at which point I want to
dynamicaly bind that event to a known method.

Looking for something like this:
Dim e as Event = MyObject.Event 'user selects objct instance and event
through the UI
AddHandler e, AddressOf Method 'code I execute after user selection

Obviously the above syntax does not work.

Nevermind, I figured it out. For others that may need this here a code
snippet that demonstrates how this can be done. Note that events that I
permit for users to bind use the custom attribute "ScriptEventAttribute".
With this aproach if you have a drop down in your UI that lists the events
for the user to bind, you don't have to change any code to add new events
that are bindable by the user. Just add the attribute to the events you want
to expose. Reflections takes care of the rest.

Imports System.ComponentModel

Public Class Form1

Delegate Sub ReceivedEventHandler(ByVal obj As test)

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

Dim obj As New test
obj.Name = "Perry"

Dim objEventList As EventDescriptorCollection =
TypeDescriptor.GetEvents(obj.GetType, New Attribute() {New
For Each objEvent As EventDescriptor In objEventList
If objEvent.Name = "Event1" Then '"Event1" can be given by user
objEvent.AddEventHandler(obj, New
ReceivedEventHandler(AddressOf ReceivedEvent))
End If


End Sub

Private Sub ReceivedEvent(ByVal obj As test)
MsgBox(obj.Name) 'shows that indeed our object has been raised
End Sub

Class ScriptEventAttribute
Inherits Attribute

Private _blnIsBindable As Boolean 'serves for purpose of signature

Sub New(ByVal blnIsBindable As Boolean)
_blnIsBindable = blnIsBindable
End Sub
End Class

Class test

Private _strName As String

<ScriptEvent(True)> _
Event Event1 As ReceivedEventHandler

<ScriptEvent(True)> _
Event Event2 As ReceivedEventHandler

<ScriptEvent(False)> _
Event Event3 As ReceivedEventHandler 'not available for user

Property Name() As String
Return _strName
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_strName = value
End Set
End Property

Sub RaiseEvent1()
RaiseEvent Event1(Me)
End Sub
End Class

End Class
