Have a stupid question about upgrading to XP Pro



I have been running XP home on mine and my wifes computers. We recently
hired someone from compusa to set up a home network for us. (I couldn't
figure it out myself). Now, I want to purchase a new software that requires
XP Professional. Question: If I upgrade my computer, will that F-up my
network? Can I run XP Pro and have her still run XP Home?

Simple solutions preferred.


What software needs XP Professional ?? XP Pro is only needed if you need to
join a domain.


Tim Slattery

Mike said:
I have been running XP home on mine and my wifes computers. We recently
hired someone from compusa to set up a home network for us. (I couldn't
figure it out myself). Now, I want to purchase a new software that requires
XP Professional. Question: If I upgrade my computer, will that F-up my

You can upgrade from XP Home to XP Pro, it won't mess up anything. Buy
a WinXP Pro Upgrade CD (considerably cheaper than the full retail
edition) and it will upgrade your system.
Can I run XP Pro and have her still run XP Home?

Yes, you can upgrade only one of the machines, you'll have no trouble
networking them.

Ken Blake, MVP

Mike said:
I have been running XP home on mine and my wifes computers. We
recently hired someone from compusa to set up a home network for us.
(I couldn't figure it out myself). Now, I want to purchase a new
software that requires XP Professional.

Are you sure? What software is that? There's very little that will run on XP
Professional but not Home.

Question: If I upgrade my
computer, will that F-up my network?


Can I run XP Pro and have her
still run XP Home?

Absolutely. No problem at all. My network her has two Professional computers
and one Home.


The software is "crystal reports" for Peachtree accounting. Thanks for the
question... I will go back to them and make sure of their requirement


Thanks for the reply Ken. The software I am getting is "crystal reports" for
Peachtree accounting. I will contact them to make sure of the requirement
before getting too deep into this. Thanks again for the info.

Ken Blake, MVP

Mike said:
Thanks for the reply Ken. The software I am getting is "crystal
reports" for Peachtree accounting. I will contact them to make sure
of the requirement before getting too deep into this. Thanks again
for the info.

You're welcome, Mike. Glad to help. Let us know what you find out.


I don't see anywhere on the Peachtree website where it says you need Windows
XP Pro. Perhaps if you have more than 10 users, you'd need XP Pro ??


Chuck Davis

Ken, et.al,

Their web site states:
a.. Crystal Reports for Peachtree
a.. Peachtree Premium Accounting 2007 must be installed
b.. Additional 235 MB of available disk space is required
c.. Microsoft Windows Home Edition not supported


Mike said:
I have been running XP home on mine and my wifes computers. We
recently hired someone from compusa to set up a home network for us.
(I couldn't figure it out myself). Now, I want to purchase a new
software that requires XP Professional. Question: If I upgrade my
computer, will that F-up my network? Can I run XP Pro and have her
still run XP Home?

Simple solutions preferred.

The network is indifferent to the OS versions. You can mix and match XP, 95,
98, 2000, etc. When a data packet arrives over the network, there is no
indication of the operating system that generated the packet.

Ken Blake, MVP

Chuck said:
Ken, et.al,

Their web site states:
a.. Crystal Reports for Peachtree
a.. Peachtree Premium Accounting 2007 must be installed
b.. Additional 235 MB of available disk space is required
c.. Microsoft Windows Home Edition not supported

I know nothing about ther product, but I'd love to know why not.

Rick Rogers

Might be that certain elements of Crystal Reports rely on IIS or another
function not available in XPHome. In any case, upgrading that system to XP
Pro should have no effect on Mike's ability to connect to the home network.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org

Steve Shattuck

Their web site states:
a.. Crystal Reports for Peachtree
a.. Peachtree Premium Accounting 2007 must be installed
b.. Additional 235 MB of available disk space is required
c.. Microsoft Windows Home Edition not supported
This is not unusual. Note that it doesn't say that it doesn't run on XP
Home, but rather that it is not supported on XP Home. Many ISP's,
especially cheapskates like Peachtree, do this to save money. It saves them
on support costs, and testing time. It is unlikely that it doesn't run on
Home, but you will have to decide if Peachtree's support is worth upgrading.


Steve Shattuck said:
This is not unusual. Note that it doesn't say that it doesn't run on XP
Home, but rather that it is not supported on XP Home. Many ISP's,
especially cheapskates like Peachtree, do this to save money. It saves them
on support costs, and testing time. It is unlikely that it doesn't run on
Home, but you will have to decide if Peachtree's support is worth upgrading.

Peachtree is not an ISP. They code and sell accounting software.

Richard in AZ

Steve Shattuck said:
This is not unusual. Note that it doesn't say that it doesn't run on XP
Home, but rather that it is not supported on XP Home. Many ISP's,
especially cheapskates like Peachtree, do this to save money. It saves them
on support costs, and testing time. It is unlikely that it doesn't run on
Home, but you will have to decide if Peachtree's support is worth upgrading.

Peachtree is not an ISP. They code and sell accounting software.

Per the Peachtree Premium accounting 2007 web page.
Minimum requirement is Windows XP SP2. No reference to Home Edition or Pro Edition.
It works just fine on my XP Home Edition.

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