Hi Roger,
here is a link to a microsoft website for how to create new email profiles:
but there is no complete description for using 3 profiles with 3 PST files
of all 3 users with different default PST files.
A description for 2 profiles with 1 PST files is on this "Share Outlook"
I would use the following way:
Please go into the "control Panel" under Mail. Doubleclick on "Mail" an copy
the available "Outlook" profile.
Give the new Outlook profile a new name to decide the different email
accounts. Something like "Outlook Profile 4 John"
Select in the same window "promt this profile" (under Mail/Show profiles).
Now you will have 3 Outlook prfiles like:
Outlook profile 4 John
Outlook profile 4 Mary
and the setting "promt this profile"
Everytime if you open now your Outlook you can choose the profile to want to
work with.
Now you must change the default folder for the email account in the
different profiles.
For example, you open Outlook with the profile "Outlook profile 4 John"
Selectc "Tools/Email Accounts/Show available email accounts".
Here you must use Johns Email account and you must change the folder for the
transmission ("New messages transmission to") to Johns PST file. Now he get
his emails over his account in his PST file but he also see the PST files of
the other users.
You have to change the settings of course also for "Marys" profile.
I hope my description was not to confused.