Haute Secure ... SiteAdvisor alternative

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I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
There is not much info floating around the web at the moment, but this program is a star in the making.


Here is some independent info ...

How can I best describe Haute Secure, a yet to be released toolbar for Internet Explorer (x86 and x64). Well, we all know how successful the Phishing Filter has been at protecting web surfers from phishing sites - a big part of the success of the Phishing Filter has been the data sharing that happens - whether it be data sharing between Microsoft and various corporate data providers, or IE7 users sharing their phishing site discoveries with Microsoft.

The developers of Haute Secure are very aware of the new risks associated with Web 2.0, whether it be social networking, blogs, search engines, widgets or banner ads. Regular readers of my blog will know that such risks are a primary focus and interest for me as well - I've been right in the thick of the fight to get malware out of the various advertising networks and trying to shut down compromised web sites, and heaven knows I'm sick of having to carefully check blog comments just in case the URL of the poster is a malware or compromised Web site.

Haute Secure is a step towards using the same sort of communal mind-share that is the foundation stone of the Phishing Filter's success, but this time the target is malware. Users are protected as follows:
  1. Bad sites are blocked before they can load.
  2. Even if the site has not been encountered before, Haute Secure can stop sites from downloading malware via the use of behaviour based algorithms.
  3. Every time the software blocks a malware download, the incident is reported to Haute Secure's malicious link database. What was once an unknown bad site becomes a known bad site, protecting future visitors to the site who are using Haute Secure.
As you'll see from the screenshot below, Haute Secure installs a toolbar in IE7. It looks small, but it is kind of eye catching - the toolbar changes color, moving from a gray tone to red, and back again.
... read more @


Haute Secure is not yet available to the general public, not even as a Beta. The home page is live, but there is not much to see.

I'll keep you updated if I can. :thumb:
I like the look of that...would be good to know when it goes live proper...;)
Now available to all for Beta Testing.


I say again ... this is a Beta program, though it does seem quite stable, be advised it can cause some problems.

If you do download, Windows Defender will pop-up several times, as to should your AV program, just 'permit' Haute Secure ... a reboot is needed.


yep ... I'll plug it at every opertunity

This "program" is stating to have an effect around the Internet ... and deservedly so ... :nod:

This is well worth an install for anyone. :thumb:
Well, version for my Internet Explorer 7.0 already exists, I have downloaded the Haute Secure, and my oppinions ( if you are interested ) can be said in couple of days :D
Update after many days have passed:
HauteSecure is a bit paranoic. It keeps telling me error on www.photobucket.com
But, really it doesn't botter me too much, and it sure does it's work!
I have heard of Haute Secure before, but have not had a chance to check it out. Thanks, good tip, going to install it and see how it reacts.
new update auto-rollout

Hello Again!

Haute Secure is very pleased to announce the latest Beta release of Haute Secure, version This release contains many interesting new features, as well as resolutions to many of the issues addressed by you.

Throughout the next two days we will be sending out upgrade notifications for users that have previously downloaded and installed Haute Secure version

Please take a moment to upgrade and upgrade to this beta release. For more information about this release, please refer to this post. The version number listed in this post is different, however the feature improvements and bug fixes are the same.

Note: You do not need to uninstall your previous version to upgrade to this newer version.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave a forum posting and I will respond quickly.

Thank you for your continued support!

Matt Steckler
Support Manager
Haute Secure
Just got mine, and updated. :thumb:


We're pleased to announce the latest beta release of Haute Secure 2.0. This release features the same core features as our previous releases while adding significantly to the reputation list capability and refining aspects of the UI and workflow. The new beta enhances both Site Safety Protection and Active Protection with the following new or changed features:

This (Haute Secure) is integrated into OPERA, via its "Site Check" option...


* Some "FYI" for those that are interested... & it works well enough, plus fairly quickly also, which was a pleasant surprise!

(Especially considering I figured it would slow down the performance of the fastest browser (Opera is, overall, per tests I have seen & can produce should anyone be curious in this regard), but, it also helps Opera (the most secure, in that it has the least bugs, which I can also produce from SECUNIA for example, in case anyone is interested in that regard also) maintain better security too)).

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Evidences to my statements above in my last post

Opera integration of Haute Secure (via Opera's "sitecheck" option):


Also, evidence as to Opera's security level (known bugs/holes/exploits) vs. other browsers:


Opera 9.27 & NEW- 9.50 release (new today final model) security advisories @ SECUNIA (0% unpatched):



FireFox security advisories @ SECUNIA (13% unpatched):



IE 7 (latest cumulative update from MS) security advisories @ SECUNIA (32% unpatched):



Netscape (0% unpatched - but, now discontinued by Mozilla, so it WILL be vulnerable to things FF won't be now & in the future)



Those %'s are the latest for:
  • FireFox
  • Netscape
  • IE7 after last "patch Tuesday" from MS 2 days ago, w/ the "CUMULATIVE IE UPDATES" they have (see the security downloads URL I post in the 12 steps above to secure yourself)
  • Opera 9.27 + 9.50 (newly released, today, in final form)
... all latest/greatest models.


* ANYHOW, there 'tis...

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Evidence as to Opera's overall SPEED advantage (as well as security)

Per my further evidencing my statements 2 posts above:


It's faster too, on just about ANYTHING a browser does
, & is probably the MOST standards compliant browser under the sun (not counting HTML dev tools) considering it has passed both ACID2/3 tests in that regards.

The Opera speed advantage is borne out in these tests:


AND, yes others (most recently in Javascript parsing speeds, although FireFox3 Release candidates & beta supposedly do better in that regard, BUT, javascript nowadays, & running it on EVERY site there is, is a huge security risk with all the bad iframe + javascript injected sites &/or bad adbanners bearing it), right here:


Opera's just more std.'s compliant - for example, having passed all the ACID (2/3 before anyone on the latter & one of the first for the former no less), plus it's faster + MULTIPLATFORM, & more secure than the others out there - thus, it's an "all-around" overall best solution!

Yep we can all see you just luv Opera..

As for the speed tests I think I can live with my browser opening 500th's of a second slower than Opera's does..Gives me time to peel my banana..:D
crazylegs said:
Yep we can all see you just luv Opera..

Well, as Geena Davis said to Jeff Goldblum as "Seth Brundle" in the film, The FLY, when asked if her other man loved her?

"How could he not?"

Same with Opera, for the reasons noted above...

* Opera's just clearly the S A F E S T, most web development standards compliant, &/PLUS F A S T E S T WebBrowser program under the sun... bar-none!

(... & version 9.50 just released, as of today!)

Writing this post to you in a brand-new revision release, & FINAL.. man, it's nice, as usual - programmatic excellence.

crazylegs said:
As for the speed tests I think I can live with my browser opening 500th's of a second slower than Opera's does..

Me? I'll take speed online, anytime, & as much as I can get - I got lucky in that my fav. multiplatform webbrowser happens to be the safest, & fastest there is.

crazylegs said:
Gives me time to peel my banana..:D

Bananas are great for you!


(NOW... here? You made a great choice, vs. your choices in browsers evidently, based on the above evidence!)

Plenty of Potassium, good for you, especially guys... AND, their peels? Don't throw them away IF you have a garden (I do, cherry tomatoes galore (great in roasts in beds of rice))... they make EXCELLENT fertilzer/compost...


P.S.=> Don't get me wrong though - I do LIKE FireFox, a lot, & its latest RC3 is quick... the only "turnoff" I have vs. it & IE? The security bugs... apk
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muckshifter said:
Please stay on topic ... ;)



I am... Haute Secure IS integrated into Opera!


* Just pointing that out...


P.S.=> I even edited my initial post to make it clearer, as to what I meant (added (Haute Secure) into my first sentence there, to make this ABSOLUTELY clear)... apk
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