HasMorePages is not working

  • Thread starter Thread starter William LaMartin
  • Start date Start date

William LaMartin

I am having trouble printing a second page of a what should be a two page
document of the contents of a listview. The "e.HasMorePages = True" line
in the code below is executed, but what should be on a new page is printed
over the top 30 lines of the first page. There are 86 lines to print with
linesPerPage = 56.

What is missing to make the printer use a new piece of paper?

Private Sub PrintDocument1_PrintPage(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e
As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles
Dim linesPerPage As Integer = 0
Dim yPos As Single = 0
Dim count As Integer = 0
Pages = Pages + 1 'originally set to -1
Dim leftMargin As Single = e.MarginBounds.Left
Dim topMargin As Single = e.MarginBounds.Top
Dim line As String = Nothing

' Calculate the number of lines per page.
linesPerPage = Int((e.MarginBounds.Height /

' Print each item of listview.

While ((count < linesPerPage) And ((count + Pages *
linesPerPage) < Me.ListView1.Items.Count))

line = Me.ListView1.Items(count + Pages *
yPos = topMargin + count * printFont.GetHeight(e.Graphics)
e.Graphics.DrawString(line, printFont, Brushes.Black,
leftMargin, yPos, New StringFormat)
count += 1
End While

' If more lines exist, print another page.

If ((count + Pages * linesPerPage) < Me.ListView1.Items.Count)
e.HasMorePages = True
e.HasMorePages = False
End If

Catch ex As Exception

End Try

End Sub

Why dont you try something like this instead.

Dim iStart as integer = pages * linesperpage
e.HasMorePages = False

Tryfor count = istart to listview1.items.count
If count = istart + linesperpage then
exit for
e.hasmorepages = true
end if

line = Me.ListView1.Items(count).ToString
yPos = topMargin + count * printFont.GetHeight(e.Graphics)
e.Graphics.DrawString(line, printFont, Brushes.Black,
leftMargin, yPos, New StringFormat)
Catch ex As Exception

End Try

Thanks for the reply. Below is the revised code following your suggestion
(which to me appears to be exactly what is required). However, it produces
the same result: The 36 lines that should appear on a second page appear
printed over the first 36 lines on the first page. A new page is not being

Private Sub PrintDocument1_PrintPage(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e
As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles

Dim linesPerPage As Integer
Dim count As Integer
Pages = Pages + 1 'originally set to -1
Dim yPos As Single = 0
Dim leftMargin As Single = e.MarginBounds.Left
Dim topMargin As Single = e.MarginBounds.Top
Dim line As String = Nothing
linesPerPage = Int((e.MarginBounds.Height /
Dim iStart As Integer = Pages * linesPerPage
e.HasMorePages = False

For count = iStart To ListView1.Items.Count - 1
If count = iStart + linesPerPage Then
e.HasMorePages = True
Exit For
End If
line = Me.ListView1.Items(count).Text
yPos = topMargin + (count - iStart) *
e.Graphics.DrawString(line, printFont, Brushes.Black,
leftMargin, yPos, New StringFormat)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

End Sub

Add a printpreviewdialog to your form. Try showing the document in
the printpreviewdialog. Maybe the problem is with the printer.

I solved the problem by giving up on using the PrintDocument control and
just created a PrintDocument object via code. Everything works fine now
except that I am getting an additional blank page at the end of the print

Using the PrintDocument control--with the same code--I could never get it to
start a new page. Perhaps there is a bug in the control. I have Visual
Studio 2003 and version 1.1.4322 of the dot net framework.
Try making the line that reads:
If count = iStart + linesPerPage Then
If count >= (iStart + linesPerPage - 1) Then