Hey John. Do you still work for MSFT?
Yes, it is.
I perhaps am reading between the lines but did MSFT shoot the news group
person because they didn't like the posts? Would not surprise me one bit
having seen a similar situation recently. Management propensity to fix
everything but the problem. Never ceases to astound me.
a) I wasn't "shot". Plus, I have to ask, didn't like what posts?
b) It wasn't anything to do with my performance. It was to do with
today's SNAFU'd business model where outsourcing/contracting is the
optimal solution to problems. As a stockholder, I don't wholly
disagree with the decision to get rid of my old position. However, as
the person who did the job and saw what happened to the duties the job
performed, I know it was the wrong decision. Good financial decisions
are not always the same as wise decisions.
Even if MSFT didn't create these, they would have been created in
alt.microsoft.vista or something.
? Odds are, no, they wouldn't. Many of the vista newsgroups would
have been created. However, there would have been discussions as to
which groups were necessary and which weren't, rather than a wholesale
copy of the beta newsgroup hierarchy into the public space. Plus
(speaking as the microsoft.* admin that I'm not), the alt.* hierarchy
does not concern me. *My* hierarchy is what concerns me.
What is going to be interesting is the long term implications. New Coke
Eh? If you're trying to start some sort of flame-ish discussion about
the viability of Vista as an operating system, as opposed to the
discussion that this particular thread offshoot has gone into, that of
the newsgroup infrastructure itself, you'll find yourself wanting. As
much as I enjoy a good argument, and believe me, I enjoy a good
argument so much that I'll make my oppositions points for them if I
think they're doing it wrong, that isn't what I want to talk about,
and isn't what I've set out to talk about, so, take it elsewhere.
Now, if you are trying to discuss the newsgroup hierarchy, then, I'm
sorry, but you'll have to clarify what you're saying because,
honestly, I haven't a clue what in the blue blazes you may have meant
by the New Coke reference.