"Has lines" and "Lines at root" (in the treeview control's style) don't agree with each other ...

  • Thread starter Thread starter JD
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I am reposting the following problem because I find a new clue that may lead
a solution. In the simple code below, I create a treeview control which has
"A" and "B" on its 1st level. Each of "A" and "B" has a child, "A's child"
and "B's child" respectively. The problem is that "A's child" always shows
an image as its parent "A" even though I specify I_IMAGECALLBACK for "A's
child", meaning no image at all. The problem exists only if I specify "Has
lines" and "Lines at root" at the same time for the tree control style. I
try many other combinations (including "has buttons") and all works fine. I
try both VS 2005 and 6.0 and both have the same behavior. Is it a MFC
limitation that if you want "Has lines" and "Lines at root" both, then you
has to specify images for all items?

Please help me because I have been wrestling with this supposed to be simple
stuff for several days. Any help is much appreciated.


BOOL CTestDlg::OnInitDialog()

m_imgList.Create(IDB_BITMAP_AB, 16, 2, RGB(255, 0, 255));
int nCount = m_imgList.GetImageCount(); // make sure there are two images
m_treeCtrl.SetImageList(&m_imgList, TVSIL_NORMAL);

HTREEITEM hNo = m_treeCtrl.InsertItem(_T("A"), 0, 0);
HTREEITEM h = m_treeCtrl.InsertItem(_T("A's child"), I_IMAGECALLBACK,

HTREEITEM hYes = m_treeCtrl.InsertItem(_T("B"), 1, 1);
h = m_treeCtrl.InsertItem(_T("B's child"), I_IMAGECALLBACK,
I advise you to to post to a more relevant group (e.g. one that deals with
Visual Studio) or whatever it is you're asking about....this is the Windows
XP Basics Group.

Perhaps microsoft.public.vstudio.development might be able to assist, it is
available on the msnews.microsoft.com news server.