O2BAG8R said:
Want to print "Continued from previous page" when overflow occurs. I set up a label with the wording and made it non visible. In the detail setting I used an If statement to test for has continued to be true. Even though there was overflow the has continued property never became True. I coded the label to be visible when the Has continued property was true. If you know a way to accomplish this simple function please respond. Also if you have any wisdom on how to use page and pages and have them restart when a new group occurs that would be helpful also.
What do you mean by "overflow"? The HasContinued property
only applies to a single instance of a section. That is, if
a detail is split across a page boundary.
If you mean an entire group of details, then that feature
will not help you. The way I do this is to add an invisible
text box named txtDetailCnt to the detail section. Set its
control source expression to =1 and its RunningSum property
to Over Group.
Then the code in the page header format event can check if
the first deatil on the page is or is not the first detail
in the group:
Me.thelabel.Visible = Me.txtDetailCnt > 1
Here's an article for Page of Pages numbering by group:
There are some KB articles at MS's web site that also deal
with this question, but the one for A2K uses an unreliable
technique. However, you should be able to use the A97
technique in any version of Access.