Has ATi won a PlayStation 3 contract also ?

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read this on another board:

Future publishing (one of the UK's biggest specialist magazine
publishers) in PCFormat issue 152 September 2003 page 13 section "Good
month / Bad month.

"nVIDIA's mascot may have her wings clipped after rumours of an ATI
deal with Sony for the PS3 were verified to us."

ATi already has deals with Nintendo and Microsoft for their next
consoles coming in 2005~2006. There *were* rumblings of Nvidia doing
graphics for PS3, but if ATi beats them.... KNOCK OUT TKO!

PS3 could be worth more than Xbox2 and GC2 put together!
Sounds interesting, but I'm willing to bet this was a typo or something. I
have a hard time believing a game console maker will allow the same
manufacturer to make graphics chipsets for multiple consoles of the same
generation. First is the risk that the consoles won't be particularly
different (OMG, XBox Next and PS3 have the exact same specs) and then there
is the worry that the manufacterer may give info to the competitor, even if
it's done by accident. Just my opinion...

Chris Smith
You logic is sound, but the choice of video manufacturers is extremely
limited compared to 5 years ago. I know I wouldn't build a gaming box off an
inferior video subsystem. Therefor Sony will jump to ATI unless ATI is
locked out of other companies.

bye, Rick
Sony has their onw brand of gpus known as cell
go check it out

I'm pretty sure the Cell technology refers to the CPU, not the GPU. It is
being developed with Sony and IBM after all...
Well, so much for Nvidia in PS3, at least for now.


NVIDIA link with PS3 rubbished by senior source

Rob Fahey 09:38 01/09/2003
"Lashing NVIDIA's technology onto the PS3 architecture would simply
make no sense..."

A rumour linking graphics chipset manufacturer NVIDIA with the
PlayStation 3 has been described as "ridiculous" by a senior source,
who claims that the company will design its own GPU for the console.

The rumour was reported widely last week by a number of online news
sites, based on a single article on CNN which quoted American
Technology Research analyst Erach Desai as saying that NVIDIA "is in
discussions with Sony for the PS3".

However, a senior source close to Sony Computer Entertainment told
gi.biz that it was a "ridiculous suggestion" that Sony would look
elsewhere for a designer and manufacturer for the graphics processor
(GPU) for the future console. "Sony has its own chip design teams and
manufacturing facilities with massive experience in this sort of
thing," he commented. "Lashing NVIDIA's technology onto the PS3
architecture would simply make no sense either technologically or

Although NVIDIA is recognised as one of the market leaders in PC
graphics technology, along with ATI, the company's chipsets are very
different to the type of graphics unit required by the PS3
architecture, he claimed. This matches up with comments from other
development sources who claim that the PS3 will feature a graphics
chip not dissimilar to the Graphics Synthesizer in the PS2 -
"effectively GS Mark Two", one told us - which Sony's internal teams
are far better placed to create than NVIDIA's.

Sony is noted for taking a homegrown approach with the components in
its console; the PS3 is expected to feature the Cell microprocessor,
which Sony created in partnership with IBM and Toshiba, while the PS2
and PSP both feature custom graphics chipsets designed by Sony's labs.
This approach allows the company to enjoy significant economies over
the lifespan of a console, as its engineers can continue to work on
integrating components into single chips or reducing the cost of the
manufacturing process by other means.

NVIDIA's major rival in the PC space, ATI, recently won the contract
to create the graphics chipset for the successor to Microsoft's Xbox -
no surprise to those who have been following the internal tensions in
the relationship between Microsoft and NVIDIA over the current Xbox
contract, but rumours suggest that the final stumbling block may have
been a refusal by NVIDIA to hand over manufacturing permissions for
the chipset to Microsoft rather than creating and supplying all of the
components itself. Given Sony's track record, it seems highly unlikely
that it would accept anything less than this from a technology partner
- so even ignoring the technology hurdles, a deal seems highly

However, our source could not rule out the possibility of discussions
between Sony and NVIDIA. "I'd expect that Sony talk to a lot of
people," he commented. "In a business like that you always explore all
the options, but it would take a hell of a pitch to change minds at
Sony about internally developing the GPU, and NVIDIA just don't have
that pitch. People hear a whisper that someone from NVIDIA is talking
to someone from Sony and bang, you have a massive rumour, but it
really doesn't mean anything - people from these companies talk all
the time."