has anyone seen this error? HELP!

  • Thread starter Thread starter zman
  • Start date Start date


Only when I go on line,after about 1 min I get an error
that said (NT Authority\system Remote procedure call
(rpc) )Windows will shut down in 60 seconds! and then it
starts counting down.Then my computer reboots! And there
is now way to stop it. It will work fine all day long
until I get online. If anyone Knows what to do please tell
me before I get out a hammer,a beat the crap out of my
Win XP(eXtra Pissed off) disk. And go back to Win 2000
There are a few updates but I cant stay online!!!!
I also have scaned with another computer with norton and I
don't have the blaster worm.
Thank You!
you have all the symptoms of the blaster worm, but a good
way to check is to (offline) Ctrl+Alt+Delete and view
your processes. if you see msblast.exe. that is what it
is. click on it and then click "end process" you will
get a caution message, but go ahead and end it anyways.
then search for "msblast.exe" on your computer and delete
it. and your computer is clean.
the remaining problems is not getting it again. if you
run windows update, you can fix it, however it is
possible to get it again even if you are only online for
10 seconds. it is a worm, not a virus, so you can get it
even if you do not download anything.
i would recommend downloading the patch from another
computer and then install it on your pc before connecting
to the internet.

This is the microsoft blaster worm you've probablly heard
about. You must go to the downloads portion of microsofts
website and download the patch. Then go to your anti
virus softwares web site and download the tool to remove
it. They will also give you a way to shut it off until
you get this done. This will enable you to keep an
internet connection long enough for you to download
items. I recommend using a firewall next time and
updating virus software often.
Well ,

It seems if you have check your PC for BLaster worm then
the other worm can be Welchia .
GO in the website www.symantec.com and download the
Removal tools for W32.BLaser worm and W32.Welchia Worm
also.These tools are very good and after running these
tools you can even patch your windows XP ,you dont need
to go to WIndows 2000 as it can also e affected by the
same virus.
