Has anyone found a common denominator???



Since Windows security update KB835732 has proven to be
problematic for many users; has anyone (including
Microsoft) found any common denominators for the systems
that are being adversely affected???

Has anyone here contacted Microsoft directly about this

The reason I ask is that unless Microsoft is actively
working the issue, we're all just rolling the dice by
installing this update.


I tried to contact Microsoft however they wanted to charge
me £100 so that they could fix the problem that they cause
on all my machines. I wish i could provide somthing more
positive but it does look like another Microsoft money
making scam. They dont seem interested unless you pay them
some money!

Bill Bean

Microsoft offers free support for security/virus problems
at 866-PC-UPDATE. (I'm waiting for a call back :)

The two programs that seem to have been identified as
having a problem with KB835732 are Norton Antivirus and
McAffe antivirus. Of course this may just be because
they are the programs that run at startup. There may be
dozens of other disasters waiting to hapen when you try
to run something.

Richard Manson

Which problems can you expect with Norton Antivirus and MS04-011 (aka
KB835732) ?


"Bill Bean" <[email protected]> a écrit dans le message de
Microsoft offers free support for security/virus problems
at 866-PC-UPDATE. (I'm waiting for a call back :)

The two programs that seem to have been identified as
having a problem with KB835732 are Norton Antivirus and
McAffe antivirus. Of course this may just be because
they are the programs that run at startup. There may be
dozens of other disasters waiting to hapen when you try
to run something.


That phone number does not work...

-----Original Message-----
Microsoft offers free support for security/virus problems
at 866-PC-UPDATE. (I'm waiting for a call back :)

The two programs that seem to have been identified as
having a problem with KB835732 are Norton Antivirus and
McAffe antivirus. Of course this may just be because
they are the programs that run at startup. There may be
dozens of other disasters waiting to hapen when you try
to run something.


Will Dormann

Bill said:
Microsoft offers free support for security/virus problems
at 866-PC-UPDATE. (I'm waiting for a call back :)

The two programs that seem to have been identified as
having a problem with KB835732 are Norton Antivirus and
McAffe antivirus. Of course this may just be because
they are the programs that run at startup. There may be
dozens of other disasters waiting to hapen when you try
to run something.

Seagate Seatools Online crashes with that update installed too. (Works
fine without it)


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