Your right, and it's a crying shame, a technology company that will not, or
can not, use email! What's up with that!?!
I agree, it's hard to get an email reply no matter who it is, or what the
subject (except maybe an order to purchase something) tell you what, it may
be because then there is a written record of your exchange, ever think of
that? If you were told to do something wrong, or just plain lied to, you
would have a written record of the bad info. Now the phone, on the other
hand, can be denied. Have you ever called a place back, to tell them a
suggestion didn't work, or worse yet, it destroyed something, and ask to
speak to "Joe" and told that "there is no Joe working here" ??? Well I have,
it is a very convenient way for them to protect their company.
As an IT person at a large construction company, we used email exclusively
FOR that reason......
Example: Q: "Did that bid get submitted" A: "what bid, you never said
anything about that to ME about submitting a bid on that" Reply: "Well here
is a copy of the email I sent you about it, and I know it was read"
food for thought......
or $hit on a $hingle, your call......