Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


Mar 25, 2003
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Evening all,

Have any of you read the latest Harry Potter book? I finished it yesterday, and I'm itching to talk to someone about it! I'm quite a fan, but don't know anyone else who has finished it yet...

For those who have yet to read it, I give my highest recommendation: It's a great book. It can be most likened in style to 'HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban' as there is definitely more information than action. Very dark too, I would think it would be too scary for kids (ironically)...

Any Potter fans out there?
i read the first three lines of the first book and got bored, so i gave it back to my sister
Me__2001 said:
i read the first three lines of the first book and got bored, so i gave it back to my sister



okay then i read the books cover
then decided to get a refund!
as you've probably guessed its not really my thing, if i read a book ( which isnt very often) its got to be something that is factual
I'm always reading a book.

Right now on book 5 of a 7 book set, The Dark Tower by Stephen King.

But - I've never read any Harry Potter books. I liked the first two films (haven't watched 3rd one yet) so maybe I'd like the books.

What's the first one I should read then?
The first book is Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone - they've got to be read in order to make sense (six, so far I think).

I wouldn't normally have read the books as they sounded like they were for kids, but I read one of them on a train last year and the rest afterwards in quick sucession. I'm now on the new book, and half way through - its really good. I didn't think I'd like something like this, as it sounded a bit childish - but the series is really gripping.