The first foolish thing I will have done is use 2 OEM Windows operating
systems on the one computer. This occurred to me after I heard clacking in
the computer and for a month I thought the clacking noise was made by a fan.
Then I opened the case and saw sparks flashing each time there was a clack in
the PCI slot that held a Sata Raid addon card.
Oh well I think...I think I will need a new motherboard...but do I ?
I had OEM Windows XP Pro 64bit dual booting with OEM Windows XP Home
Edition SP2 and clever me thought a little performance boost might help with
a few extra high harddrive voltages and so on and maximum bios settings
because I play some games online and inhome.
Would anyone care to make any comments about this situation please?
Now I have removed the sata raid addon card and returned to using Windows
XP Home Edition by itself and am using as near to the default bios settings
as I can.
Also I have 4 front case LEDs and 1 now does not go. It died in the last
few days. I'm wondering what may happen next.
systems on the one computer. This occurred to me after I heard clacking in
the computer and for a month I thought the clacking noise was made by a fan.
Then I opened the case and saw sparks flashing each time there was a clack in
the PCI slot that held a Sata Raid addon card.
Oh well I think...I think I will need a new motherboard...but do I ?
I had OEM Windows XP Pro 64bit dual booting with OEM Windows XP Home
Edition SP2 and clever me thought a little performance boost might help with
a few extra high harddrive voltages and so on and maximum bios settings
because I play some games online and inhome.
Would anyone care to make any comments about this situation please?
Now I have removed the sata raid addon card and returned to using Windows
XP Home Edition by itself and am using as near to the default bios settings
as I can.
Also I have 4 front case LEDs and 1 now does not go. It died in the last
few days. I'm wondering what may happen next.