technomaNge said:
Does anyone have a recommendation for software to identify the sound
card in a Windows box so I don't have to open the case and try to
suss it from the chipset?
I tried Belarc, but it reports the sound as whatever driver is loaded
(or attempted to load).
Soundcard Detector?
Name: SoundCard Detector, V.2.0.E
Author: Robert Einsle
Date: 2001.08.02
OS: [??]
| Soundcard Detector is a small program that retrieves available
| information regarding your sound card. Manufacturer ID, Product ID,
| Driver Version, Name, Formats, Reserved, and Support are among
| the categories it retrieves for each available .wav device. It
| also gathers similar information for each MIDI device. SoundCard
| Detector is a system information program which detects all
| information about your soundcard.
Its output doesn't look useful to me. Nor is it exportable. I get a name
here and there. And a bunch of numbers, mainly 1's. For example, I get
this: "Manufacturer ID = 1". Perhaps part of the problem is that the $2
soundcard that came with my notebook is too cheapo to offer extended info.
Main note: I'm not experienced on this kind of thing, so cannot venture
guess whether SoundCard Detector won't (or will) serve purpose...
You could take a fast look for yourself, to determine either way. I found
a download link from this page: (177k)