hardrive had split into 3 drives

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kevin
  • Start date Start date


I currently have two hardrives installed on my computer.
The one had has windows files and all that on it.. the
other one is empty. which i want but It is broken up
into two more hardrives which i don not want I can't run
fdisk because xp doesn't have it or something. I tried
formating and error checking it and it won't work.. I
read somewhere you can use debug to fix this problem but
i don't know how..any help is appreciated. thanks
If you want to combine two harddrive partitions after Windows is installed
you must buy a software program that will do it - try Partition Magic.
Or you can use a free one like Ranish Partition Manager.
It doesn't work properly with NTFS drives, but if the
partitions you're working with are empty, you'll be able
to delete the partitions, then you can create a new
partition in the empty space in Windows Computer
