Hardrive about to fail!!

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i think my hard drive is about to fail, what sort of back up sould i make.
i know i will have to reinstall XP and then my vista upgrade if i have to
get a new hard drive but can i get all of my setting and regisration back off
my backup disk, i may change the hard drive for a faster one soon anyway
along with a new mother board and tp alow for further expansion does this
count as a new computer or not.

i was thinking about getting my new hard drive and then just coping the
enitre contents of c but i will have to reinstall of the other software, i
dunno if this wil work, maybe i will jsut have to do it the long way unless
anyof you guys know any shortcuts
There are programs to make an image/clone of the drive so that you can
restore it to another hard disk and continue as if nothing happened (except
you have a new drive).
PowerQuest publishes this type of software; there's also Norton Ghost. I'm
sure a quick 'net search will come up with good software (probably even free).

If you have an external drive, the backup software that comes with it can
also likely make a recovery type of back up. How easy it is to implement the
restore varies; some will require a basic OS installation and then the
restore will complete the restoration of all your software, windows
preferences, favorites, settings, etc. Some will recover you from a total
crash. Make sure you get the disk image made before this happens! (limit
your use of the pc)
there's also Norton Ghost.

Norton Ghost has saved the day many times for me.
Like setting up a dual o/s boot going pear shaped or
H/D failure.
Now I use a system C:\ drive, a D:\ data drive, and
a USB external backup.
First I image C:\ to D:\ then the USB backs up
the lot incrementally, since C:\ changes very
little this works fine.