Harddrive Initialising failing



I installed XP on a second harddrive (alongside the main drive) which i have
done alot of times before whitout problem, but this time when i restartet
after the installation completed, it started up whit an error that some
windows files was missing.
I tryed then getting into my primary windows (which is working fine), to see
if i could fix the problem from there (transfere the missing files), but
thats where i found out the HDD i installed the new xp on, now was gone.
Then i tryed use system manager to locate the HDD, and true the disk was on
the list, but whit no partition, just the "Not Initialiset", but when i tryed
to Initialise it, nothing happens.
Next step was then to use third-party programs to try to solve the problem,
but i had no luck so far. Every program can Initialize the disk, but when
complete its back to Not being ready...
Final step i took was then to try to install Another copy off windows xp on
the faulty disk which it did whitout any problems (format an all) (havent
tested the new xp though as its 5min i did it), but i still cant see the disk
in the original xp, only the "Not Initialised"...
How can i fix this problem???


Btw. sorry about the english, i got the danish version of xp, so im not sure
about how to translate some of the stuff =/


Well, now I have testet the new install of xp and it works, no problems (even
if i restart or use the other windows first), but i still cant see the disk
in my original windows!

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