Harddisk size

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I try to install a new 160GB Harddisk, everything's fine except i can only partition 128GB. I guess W2K can only address 128GB. Is there any tool or workaround which let me address more then 128GB???

Thanks A lot for any help
Alex said:

I try to install a new 160GB Harddisk, everything's fine except i can only
partition 128GB. I guess W2K can only address 128GB. Is there any tool or
workaround which let me address more then 128GB???

This a known issue with earlier Service Packs of Windows 2000. You've
exceeded the limits of the 28 bits of LBA space in the older ATA specs. You
don't mention what SP you are running, and you don't identify your HBA to
which you attached the drive. Both are important.

If you have an HBA that is driven by the ATAPI driver included with WIndows
2000, upgrading to the latest SP should fix your problem. If you have
attached the drive to an HBA that is driven by the HBA vendor's driver, you
need to get the latest driver from that vendor, in addition to upgrading to
the latest SP. Even so, there are some older HBAs out there that may not
have updated drivers available.

Philip D. Barila Windows DDK MVP
Seagate Technology, LLC
(720) 684-1842
As if I need to say it: Not speaking for Seagate.
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