Hard Dsic Confusuion

Sep 10, 2005
Reaction score
Hi all, just taken Floppybootstomp's advice and gone out and bought a few new bits n bobs.

I also, bought a new HDD, its supposedly a 160GB Maxtor Diamondmax PLus 10 *MB cache.

Having put all the pieces of the jigsaw together, formatted the new partitions on the new HD, the windows setup is only seeing 36Gb of the HDD??

Can any one advise as to how to free up the missing 120gb?

May thanks

BTW, if anyone interested new spec is......

AMD Atlon 64 3500+
Asrock 939 Dual Sata2 Mobo
1GB Corsair DDR 400
6600GT PCI-E 256 DDR3

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Just a thought. Did you format with NTFS? FAT and FAT 32 don't support drives that large
How have you set up the partitions - size, number,etc? I had a similar problem with my HD, it was missing 40Gb after formatting. After much frustration I fixed it by simply deleting all the partitions, reformatting and then I made new larger partitions and it now works fine so I guess I must have made an erse of things when creating the partitions.

However if it is from Microdirect I would not rule out the possibility of the drive being knackered!
Yup, twas indeed the HDD, it was fooked! Was showing 32GB when its a 160gb drive.

Ohwell, took the oportunity to return the Asrock Mobo aswell, paid the extra and went all out, have ended up with an ASUS A8N-E, that nforce 4 chipset is very potent.

After running 3d mark with the asrock mobo, with this installed I'm getting over 600 3d marks more, just by swapping mobos!

Am on 4150ish, which is pretty good considering its a s ingle PCi-E 6600GT.

Anyway, thanks all for the advice, glad it sorted. :thumb: :)