triky said:
My computer is running under XP SP2.
- How many hard drives can I actually install in the computer? I
currently have two hard drives 40 GB and 4 GB.
How many do you want?
The limit is a hardware one, not an XP one. You need four things to install
an additional internal drive:
.. room in the case to mount it
.. sufficient power
.. sufficent cooling
.. a free controller port to connect it to.
You can change tio a bigger case, you can install a bigger power supply, you
can install additional fans, and you can usually install an additional disk
controller card (EIDE, SATA, or SCSI) if you don't have any free ports.
Given the right hardware, you should be able to have a dozen drives or so.
Most computers come with two EIDE connectors, each supporting two drives for
a total of four. Usually one of those is taken by a CD drive, so you can
easily install three hard drives, if you have enough power and cooling.
Besides the four EIDE ports, I also have four SATA ports so I can install
eight drives.
Then you can add external USB drives.