Hard drives in Vista

May 27, 2007
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I have justed notcied that both my hard drive in Vista are cutting out if I dont use them for a while even though I have set them to cut off after 90mins but I'm sure they are cutting out before that time would they have a cut off time in the hard drive its self? one of the drives sounds like its tring to start up to start up again not sure what drive it is but I think it could be the new one.

Could someone please advise me on this.

Many Thanks,

It's just the drive going in to sleep mode, it could be via settings in Vista (under power options) or maybe even in the BIOS. It's no bad thing, as it saves power and means your drive could last longer :)
Thanks for the quick reply Ian.

Thats ok then.

So this is normal to take a long time to come out of sleep mode one of them takes about 6 times to start up again it sounds like it stuck in sleep mode is this still normal?

Can you please advise,


I'm not sure what you mean by "6 times"? Is that 6 attempts at accessing a file for it to wake up?

On all of my drives it takes a few seconds to wake up (and you can hear the drive spinning up), and then it springs back into life.
I have just used Mucks Power options and recommendations for Vista I have set the Hard drive to never sleep to see if thats the problem.

Thanks for the help.

