Entire conversation archived indefinitely:
OK but I got lost in your petty bickering with Stan. Stan was the
first person to respond to the OP. His reply was fine. However you
jump on Stan BEFORE you bother responding to the OP. You bait him
by being sarcastic. You say, "provide any/all proven information,
documentation and links so those among us who are unaware of this
new technology"...... blah, blah. Because your comment is rude Stan
reacts, as most people would. I felt quite annoyed when I read your
asinine response to him. I felt even more annoyed when Shennan came
to your rescue by side tracking and "pretending" that the issue has
to do with semantics. Get a life both of you and be helpful. If you
choose to place your coveted MVP rank in your sig line then act
like a Most Valuable Professional. Otherwise you look like fools.
First - my attention was *not* to rescue anyone. I did what I have always
done. I read and analyzed what I was reading and commented on it to
clarify (as much to myself as to point out the alternatives to others)
what I had read and analyzed. I only quoted (although giving the link to
the entire conversation for courtesy's sake) what I was responding to.
If you think I responded to 'rescue' anyone or if you think I was
"pretending" on what my interpretation of the conversation was - you are
mistaken. I responded because it seemed to me - whether or not "Brian A."
and "Stan Brown" were being rude, crude and ignoring the topic asked
about - that there was a misunderstanding. One person seemed to take or
expect things in a more literal sense, the other seemed to be more
interpretative and both thought the other should see it their way. Not
going to happen (more than likely) - but I felt like commenting on that
part and i did comment on that part.
If you are thinking that because I have the awarded title MVP - that gave
me the reason to respond (because one of the other responders shares that
awarded title) - then you are also mistaken. I've said it before, I guess
I will have to repeat it more often than I thought I would, but I posted
here long before I was offered the title MVP, I will post here (or where
ever I can help or give an opinion freely) long after I either am not an
MVP or Microsoft no longer exists. It's nothing but something to do that
helps others in my mind. Here, someplace else, Microsoft products,
something else - makes me no difference.
Lastly - yes - I don't agree with the WAY the response "Brian A."
originally made came out. It does come out harsh sounding in my
interpretation - sarcastic. However - I read it a few times and I even
started to respond - but after reading and even writing a response (I
almost always react to such things by writing up the post, not sending it
and letting it simmer for a few hours - re-reading and deciding whether to
send it as is, change it or let it go) - I decided to let it go. I had
interpretted that "Brian A." might have a valid point and my initial
interpretation was not the only one that could be made. The way "Stan
Brown" had phrased things could leave what they meant up to a couple of
interpretations. One was not true, one was true.
When I first read "Stan Brown's" response - I did interpret is as what I
"[One of] the purpose
of a[n external] backup is to [help] guard
[loss of data if] your computer [becomes] virus infected, electrically
zapped, destroyed or stolen[, for example]."
(Remove all the bracketed words/phrases, replace the one bracketed word
"becomes" with "being" for the exact wording.)
"Brian A" responded in a way that at first aggravated me, but then - I
could see how someone *could* read "Stan Brown's" answer in a completely
(more literal) way. Perhapos it is because I have dealt with people with
Asperger syndrome both here and outside of here - I find myself leaning
towards figuring out how things might be interpretted so as not to
over-react or under-react when something is said by someone.
Very seldom - in any case - does a 'reaction from the hip' ever result in
a good ending when it comes to conversations about another's attitude,
wording or spelling. ;-)
As for not helping the OP - I thought that Ken Blake had done a fine job
and thus - saw no need beyond making sure the entire post was linked to in
my response - in responding further since I had nothing to add for the OP.