Hard drive

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Because MSFT dose not allow not full hard drive B/u on cd/dvd
Can full hard drive be offloaded to say external USB Hard drive or Tape device
for reboot disaster revovery?
I think Acronis mentions about backing up in a "INCD" thing ...
What is INCD? Do I have to reconvifure something to "INCD" mode?

Mike Hall (MS-MVP) said:
Windows Backup is not suitable for full system backups.. use something like
Acronis TrueImage

TrueImage will backup or Image your whole HD to another HD and make that
drive bootable.
It will also allow you to make incremental backups of certain sections of
your HD and place that into any directory that you create or it will create
a special partition which will not show up in Explorer.These files will be
in an image format.
It also lets you activate a Recovery Manager that does not need XP to run
from where you can "restore" that image.
Images can be burned to a DVD-R/RW disc
INCD is a program that is usually included in NERO ver 6...........which you
say you already have..........check!!
You have posted in every newsgroup here............it is best to stick to
one and add to it as people who do help will check back but not many will
bother with the same type of questions in 6 diffferent newsgroups.

Never trust a computer you can't throw out the window. - Steve Wozniak
ponderxpo said:
I think Acronis mentions about backing up in a "INCD" thing ...
What is INCD? Do I have to reconvifure something to "INCD" mode?
Petro ... Yes I have Nero full version but I found out that you cant Backup
full Hard drive to DVD according to Nero Support I had to reconfig my system
and get a new DVD... The nerve huh?
Since Im a novice and gullable.
I thought going to different newsgroups might offer greater diverse help.
Well I now know so ill try to not to bounce all over.
Thanks for your info.
Your welcome
TrueImage is a good investment to make..............it has saved my bacon a
few times.
With the low price of HD nowadays it is fairly reasonable cost to purchase
one and using TrueImage image your HD to the new one and then remove the new
one and keep in a safe place.Every once in awhile reconnect the new drive
and reimage
When(not IF) something goes wrong and you cant boot,you simply unplug the HD
and install the imaged drive and your up and running in minutes.
Peterk ... I concur about aAonis and will consider a hard external hard drive
that Mike Hall (MS-MVP) mentioned ... WD duel option or Master 1 touch II

In between the clutter I listen to you guys.
It doesn't even have to be external.........it can be hooked up as a
slave,imaged and then removed.
any old HD will do this
cost less
I went to Maxtor Page ...

"Can I boot to the USB Personal Storage as the primary drive?
The Microsoft Windows operating system families (98SE,ME,2000,XP) do not
support USB2 as a boot drive or primary system drive. "

Now I get another curv ball ... about rebooting from from external hard drive.
I like the idea obout rebooting from external in case PC flops out.

Whats with this Maxtor or MSFT? Can we reboot or Not?
Dose nonsupport mean " Save money on my car insurance I can do it?

I was going good today until I got on pc for one more TRIP
You can NOT boot Windows XP from an external hard drive.


Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User

Quote from: George Ankner
"If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!"
So Now whats left rebooting from another internal hard drive?
Is that the last straw from Recovery of total hard drive?

Or maybe Im thinking rebooting is same as full(mirror image) hard drive
THe main reason I posted was to find a solution so total "C" Harddrive can b
e restored ( that includes win X2 Pro as well as all other prog apps/data)

Acronis, BootNG, ....etc claim they have reboot powers for hard drives so
this led me to believe what others were recommending. But Now some
manufactures exclude externals using Firewire& USB.

I have a custum built PC w/ complicated extras pluss software I don't even
know were it came from.
It would take me quite a long time to recover with out a good recovery system
Can you offer any good solutions that allow me to recovery quite easly in
case my "C" drive or PC has problems?

I hope this is the end of the trail ...

Richard Urban said:
You can NOT boot Windows XP from an external hard drive.


Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User

Quote from: George Ankner
"If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!"

I don't remember suggesting an external hard drive, but I did suggest
Acronis.. reports on it are good, but I never use anything like that
personally, preferring to do a fresh install in the event of serious

With Windows Backup, it is possible to do create a backup of important stuff
to the hard drive and then use Nero or other CD writing software to transfer
it to CD/DVD.. to be honest, it is quicker just to save stuff to CD using
Nero and forget about Windows Backup.. this program has its uses, but in
times past, backups made by a previous version of Windows have tended not to
be usable by the next version, that is to say, W95 backups could not be
utilised in W98..

The one important factor in any backup is that it has to be updated to
reflect current running.. a system backed up just after the initial install
would still require that all programs installed initially would have to be
re-installed.. doing backups at any point thereafter could well carry hidden
problems forward.. that is why I always clean install..

I utilise two hard drives, saving all important documents and personal stuff
to the slave drive.. of course, a hard drive can fail at any time, but slave
drives do not get the daily workout that a primary boot drive gets..
archived material, documents or groups of whatever that are not likely to
change, for example a once in a lifetime trip to Australia, get saved to CD
and left on the drive for easy access..

I will readily admit that my way takes longer, but it is amazing how much
one installs a second time compared to the flotsam and jetsam picked up
Thank you all ... I have come to the end of my ummm backup-end of the full
Reboot/Recovery/Restore/Reimage/Reclone ..... and Redone!
I use 2 hard drives plus one for cloning the boot drive.Once I have cloned
the boot drive where XP resides using Acronis TrueImage I remove this drive
and keep it in a safe place.If or when I have a major problem and XP will
not boot I remove that HD and install the cloned drive in its
place..........it boots without problems.I update that image about every 2
I also use trueimage for backing up partitions.......to a secure zone that
Acronis TrueImage creates.
For normal work files type backups I just use the XP backup program backing
up to a formatted DVD-RW....using INCD from Nero to format the disc
first.....this also works with CD-RW.
You of course need to find what works for you................
Peterk ... The clone drive - was that a ' simple removable drive slide-pull
out drive' or you had to open pc unit & disassemble the unit ?

I Only have one Partition (thats enough problems for me).
Would you recomend on the clone for backing up my one & only partition
"C".......to a secure zone that Acronis TrueImage creates?

For normal files I am backing up w/ Nero to DVD-R.

On help support Info I have read a lil on MSFT: system recovery, restores
to same or alt area, dir, vol, agents, passwords, safe zones,advanced,
experience, ... etc . Im not touching that stuff!

Yes I will be thinking about a 2nd (clone) drive.
Do you recomend Both HD drives have same size gig capacity?
By the way do you have to let your system know the clone device is out
resting for two weeks?

Hopefully out of the volcano ........ Thanks and thanks to all especially
the ones who were shaking there heads.

The drive that I clone to I temporarily install it inside the computer on
the 2nd EIDE cable as master.
When the cloning is finished I remove it.I install and remove after I shut
the computer down ..power off.
I use the same size HD but it does not have to be....I just got a better
deal when I bought 2 of the same.
The cloned drive will not be missed.....it was not there to begin with.It
will be recognized when its hooked up
One day I will buy me one of those removable cages that hooks into your
computer that holds a HD..that you can remove.
I would recomend cloning your one and only HD to another.There is no sense
in backing up to the same drive because if it fails you will not be able to
access those backups.You could try backing the partition up to a DVD-RW I
have done that with one of my smaller partitions and it worked.One has to
start somewhere and for you it might be the purchase of 2 more HDs plus
TrueImage.One HD for cloning and another to use for backups.My 120gig HD is
partitioned into 4 my other 120gig HD into 2.
Each partition holds specific things....One just for XP,another for
programs,another for games,another for video work..etc etc
On the 2nd 120gig I have the secure zone for individual partition
backups..plus some other saved stuff
If I screw up one partition I just have to open TrueImage and restore that
partition...not the whole drive.If I screw up or XP screws itself up and I
cannot start the system out comes the cloned drive hook it up inplace of the
C drive and I am back in business.
hope this helps
Ok ... I like the Idea about removable cages.
You mentioned that your system doesn't know your clone drive exists so it
wont be missed when its out. But when I get a new 2nd Hard drive Ill have to
format it or something. In doing this I wonder if my system will config this
in some way& expect this drive to always be there?

If you get a new 2nd HD you will need to go to control panel/administrative
tools/computer management/disk management and format the drive in order for
it to show up in Explorer.The System knows the drive I clone to is there but
it will not get any errors when the drive is removed...it just does not show
up in Explorer.
Any secondary HD can be removed without errors from the operating
system...unless you try to run a program from that missing drive......
The drive the OS is on is a different matter........system wont boot if it
is removed under normal conditions.